What's up everybody and welcome back to pro wrestling review. I haven't been doing weekly raw reviews lately because I've been very busy with school starting again and I've been doing some other wrestling articles. Anyway in this article I want to give all of my thoughts on everything that's going on in wwe.
Wwe Title Picture
I really liked the new corporation storyline immediately following Summerslam; the last week or two before night of champions got somewhat repetitive but the ending to NOC has fixed things. It helped bring me back into storyline and now I'm really liking again.
Besides just making the storyline more interesting, the ending to night of champions has also helped with character development, mainly for Randy Orton's. For the first the month after summerslam he was just a heel that Triple H kept talking up to the moon every week. After NOC though when he got chewed out by Stephanie McMahon he's been and amazing heel. With those vicious attacks on the Miz and RVD his character has gotten great and now I can say that he's wwe's biggest current heel at least wrestler wise. I'm a little confused to why they did the ten or however many it was on three thing with Daniel Bryan and his crew vs the shield last week but I'm going to give them the chance to explain that more on raw before I give my full opinion on that situation.
The new corporation storyline had also been doing the supporting characters in a lot of good as well. For one it's gotten Justin Gabriel and Zach Ryder on tv; I think wwe dropped the ball with both of them and I'd love to see them get somewhat of a tag team push. Also Dolph Ziggler's been doing some good stuff against Dean Ambrose and the other shield members seem to be getting into a feud with the Prime Time Players and the Usos. The tag team division has really heated up lately; it probably has something to do the fact that it's now involved in the main storyline so I guess wwe figured they'd better put some effort into it. I wish they would put that effort into it all the time though; hopefully this will last and they then they can get a really good tag team division going.
Also the Miz has actually been entertaining! I'm really glad that they took him out of that feud with Fandango and involved him in the new corporation storyline. Getting completely destroyed by Randy Orton was the best thing that's happened to him all year in the wwe. Judging by what happened last week on raw I'm kind of thinking that he might be starting a feud the Big Show. As far as the Big Show goes this whole thing where Stephanie and Triple H force him to attack different people is starting to get old. I hope they have a direction in mind to go with it. I'm thinking that he might start feuding with the Miz as kind of a tweener; Miz thinks that no matter what Big Show shouldn't let himself be manipulated by the McMahons to do terrible things. Then maybe Show gets mad at Miz and they have a match at maybe hell in a cell and then Big Show ultimately chooses which side he's on. That's how I could see it going.
The Rhodes Situation
Also how could I forget Cody Rhodes; he's the person that's been getting the most success from this storyline besides Daniel Bryan. That match that he had against Randy Orton a few weeks ago on raw was awesome. Not only because it was a darn good match but because it set into motion the storyline that could make Cody Rhodes a big star in wwe. I thought that wwe had dropped the ball with him after they turned him face and I thought he was going to stay in the midcard until he'd eventually fall down the card.
Now that's happened to a ton of people with just as much talent as Cody Rhodes luckily it looks like it won't be happening to him. It was cool to Golddust back and he hasn't missed a beat from being gone for nearly three years; that match he had with Orton was very good. Then how can you forget that great segment between Dusty Rhodes and Stephanie McMahon in which she eventually had Dusty knocked out by Big Show. I really liked that they did that because now Cody and Goldust have something to fight for besides just Cody's job, the corporation had their father taken out. I also like how they've been playing up the history between the McMahon and the Rhodes families; that's added a nice touch to the feud.
I'm really exited to see what they do next with this storyline and I hope they don't have to rush things with the ppvs being so close together this time of year. I'm really glad to see Cody get this opportunity and I think that he can be a huge star in wwe heel or face. I wish they would give this kind of great storyline material out to more talented young stars.
The CM Punk and Paul Heyman Saga
Right now this feud is basically just killing time until Brock Lesner eventually returns. It's been pretty entertaining though. I thought last week's segment was very good and I liked how CM Punk tied the Chicago Balckhawks into his promo.
The first segment of Ryback being a Paul Heyman was very strange and I haven't seen raw from last night yet but I heard that it got even stranger. I'll talk more about that in my in a different article though probably my Battleground preview.
I've been trying to guess when Brock Lesner is going to return; I'm thinking it'll be either at Hell in a Cell since the match would make since in that stimulation. Survivor Series since that's one of the top four ppvs. Maybe TLC since that's becoming somewhat of a big ppv and a tlc type match sounds like a good idea for those two. Lastly of course wrestlemania, that would depend on if wwe doesn't want to have Lesner and Punk face other people at that show. I'm guessing that they're rematch is going to take place at one or two of those shows.
I hope you enjoyed this article; I'll have Battleground preview out this weekand also a few other articles are coming as well.
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