Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: SS 2013 Review part 2/ WWE Title Picture

Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review. Today I'm going to be giving part 2 of my Summerslam 2013 review and I'm also going to be talking about everything going in the wwe title picture.

 First off I'll start out talking about the wwe title match at summerslam between John Cena and Daniel Bryan. I really enjoyed this match; it started off a little slow but once it got going it was very good. It's a match that I'll definitely be watching again and I'd say it's probably number two for match of the year only behind the CM Punk vs Brock Lesner from earlier on in the night. 
 The match ends when Bryan does that knee to the face move to Cena which kind of came out no where and then he pinned Cena for the win. I kind of like that knee move that Bryan does now and hopefully he'll get a name for it. I would've liked to see Cena tap out to Daniel Bryan but I'm just glad that he put Bryan over. 

 Afterwards there was a big celebration, Bryan shook hands with John Cena and Triple H and then Randy Orton came out. He just looked at Daniel until Triple H pedigreed Bryan from behind and then Orton cashed in to win the WWE Championship. 

 I really enjoyed that match and I've REALLY enjoyed everything that's come afterwards. This storyline just seems so big and important and there's a different, better feel to wwe these days. I really like how they're stacking everything against Daniel Bryan. He got through John Cena which isn't an easy thing to do in the wwe and he was on top of the world but then it all came crashing down; now he has so many layers of consperisy against him that is keeping him from the wwe title. He's got the Shield members, Vince and Stephanie, Triple H, and then Randy Orton himself. I just love this storyline and it makes you really get on Bryan's side. This is coming from someone who was already a huge Daniel Bryan fan before he got into the wwe title picture, I have my Yes Yes Yes gear and everything. Now though he's risen to another level, whenever I look at him he seems like such a hero and an underdog who's fighting a huge uphill battle. That's what a great storyline with great villains does for a babyface, especially a young, new babyface like Daniel Bryan. 

 The villains of this storyline have been great playing their part in all of this and really stacking the deck against Bryan. At first I wasn't too sure about turning HHH heel because he is such a legend at this point in his career but if you want to get heat on somebody then make them screw over the most over babyface in the company Daniel Bryan. Now after seeing these last few weeks of tv I have no doubt in my mind that turning Hunter was right decision. He has been absolutely amazing playing his character now that he's heel. He seems so full of life and he reminds me of the Vince McMahon character but with his own spin on it. He has played his character to a t and he's done a great job making Bryan into this huge hero that the fans want to get behind. He's been so good that he probably needs to find a balance and let Randy Orton step in too because HHH seems like the main villain in this not Orton. Hopefully they will be able to find that balance and I'm sure that this will lead to matches with Daniel Bryan against both Orton and Triple H.

 I've  heard some fans that were angry that Bryan didn't get his big title reign after summerslam but while I do think it would have been good stuff with him as champion after SS, what's going on right now is absolutely amazing stuff. While I do think he would have become a top star if he had a title reign after Summerslam, now he can become a mega star with this storyline and when he does finally get the wwe championship back, when he finally overcomes this huge challenge it will be a huge moment, probably lot's bigger than his summerslam win.

 I've heard people compare what's going on right now to when another internet darling so to speak was champion: CM Punk. When Punk was champion especially after his feud with Cena to when he faced Chris Jericho at Wresltemania 28, he was just running through all of the top heels on roster. He went right through Alberto Del Rio and that was in my opinion the main reason that Del Rio's character didn't work after. After that feud with Punk you just couldn't take Del Rio seriously because Punk had ended up making him look like a complete fool and it took him about two years to recover. The Del Rio thing is a different subject though; after that CM Punk ran through Miz, Ziggler and he even had to face John Lorinigtus because they ran out of top heels. Then they had to bring Chris Jericho back so that CM Punk could have someone to face at Wrestlemania. 

 So with Punk he just ran through people and it wasn't very entertaining at all. Raw even got the lowest ratings since 1997 at that time because it just wasn't interesting. CM Punk had no challenge. 

 Now I'm not saying that Daniel Bryan would've ran through people AS bad as CM Punk did but I don't think that it would've been as entertaining as this. The point I'm trying to make here is with Punk he had no challange and it wasn't interesting at all. Bryan would've had somewhat of a challange with the people that he would've fought for the title but now he has the ultimate challange. 

 In my opinion the journey to the title is usually better that the the title reign itself and when you have a great journey with a huge challenge then it makes the title reign itself better because the fans know that the person really really worked for it.

 I think that this storyline has the ability to make Daniel Bryan into the next top dog. I don't want to get too ahead of myself here but Bryan's 32 or 33 right now I think, so he has a good 7 or so years of being a top guy. That's about how long Stone Cold and The Rock were when they were at the top about, about seven years.

 Now like I said I know that I might be going a bit too far ahead inthe future here but in the present we have a super entertaining storyline, and if there ever was a time for John Cena to be gone it's now. I'm not glad that he's injured but I do think that a few months off for him will do a lot of good because he's worked a very hard schedule these last last basically eight years. That aside though Cena being gone gives Bryan the room to become a top guy and be the hero of this storyline. Kind of like in 2000 I think it was when Stone Cold got injured; The Rock took over as the top baby face and  he was a huge star. I see the same thing happening for Daniel Bryan. 

 This has been a great year so far for the wwe product; the summer that usually suffers some especially last year, was awesome and now it looks like this fall season is going to be even better. We have this amazing storyline going on and then throw in the Paul Heyman/CM Punk one too and you've got some awesome tv. I said earlier that there's a different feel to wwe these days and there really is; if it wasn't for Daniel Bryan putting on amazing matches every week I might forget that I'm watching wrestling and start thinking I'm watching an awesome tv show.

 Another good thing about this storyline is that it that it's helping other superstars as well. Superstars like the Shield; they've been kind of lost in the shuffle these last few months but now they have a reason and purpose again in wwe. Now they're interesting again. It's also been helping the other baby faces that are against the corporation. People like Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, and The Miz. 

 These last few months of wwe have been really good and I'm thoroughly enjoying this storyline. I think that it will do Daniel Bryan a lot more good than having a wwe championship reign right now will would.

  You can tell me your thoughts on everything that I discussed in this article and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, and Instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for information specifically related to this column such as when new articles come out etc. Thanks for reading.

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