Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: NOC 2013 Review

 Whats up everybody and welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review. This is going to be my Night of Champions review.

Pre Show: Tag Team Turmoil # 1 Contenders Match

 As usual I didn't end up watching the pre show but it sounded like it could be a good match. All I know is that the Prime Time Players ended up winning and they became # 1 contenders for later it night. That's all I got for that match...moving on.

IC Title: Curtis Axel vs Kofi Kingston 

 The show started out with Triple H coming out and saying that in the wwe title match there would be no interference from anyone in the match. Then Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel come out. Heyman with somewhat of a beard; which I though was a nice touch to show that he had been nervous about the ppv all week. He and Axel ask Triple H to change the match with CM Punk but the Game declines and he 0bputs Axel in a match with his IC title on the line right then. There seemed to be some tension between Heyman and Axel which was kind of surprising because I doubt they're going to split them up because I don't know what else Axel would do. 

 I'm glad they put this match on the card because A it's night of champions and B I thought it was a good match to start the show off with. More importantly than all of that though it made Axel look more credible going into his match with CM Punk. The booking on that match has been all over the place and since Punk had beaten Axel in a match with almost the same stimulation on raw it seemed like Axel had no chance of winning the match at the ppv. His win over Kofi helped make him more credible. I was accualy surprised that he won because since Kofi was on the ppv poster I was kind of expecting him to win. 

 The match was pretty good; one highlight was when Axel tried to throw Kofi into the stairs but Kofi jumped up onto the ropes and jumped back onto Axel. That was a really cool moment and  Kofi Kingston, he may not get pushes very often but whenever he's in a match it's always very entertaining. I hope wwe does something with him. 

 I wish that they would have found a faster way to start the match because the segment before seemed more like an episode of raw than a ppv. The thing I really didn't like about it was that once again we had the two biggest heels in wwe Triple H and Paul Heyman in a segment where they are against each other. I don't understand why wwe does that; they need to be putting as much heat on Triple H as they can and putting him in segments where he seems somewhat like a face doesn't make scene. 

Divas Title: AJ vs Naomi vs Natalia vs Brie Bella

 This was an ok match and the big thing in it was Natalia putting a double sharp shooter on Brie Bella and Naomi. But it didn't work so well; mainly because of the announcers. When Natalia put Naomi on top of Brie to set it up the announcers kept saying that the ref should counted the pin. Now while that may have technically been true there was no reason for them to keep pointing it out because that obviously wasn't where the match was going. Natalia was very slow putting it on though so maybe she just decided to do it during the match and the announcers didn't know what was going on. Who knows but the spot just came on very odd.

 In the end AJ ends up winning, retaining the divas championship.

WHC: Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

 I guess you could kind of say this match had build up but it wasn't very good build up. One complaint I have about the build up is that they kept having Rob Van Dam vs Damien Sandow. In every match (which was three matches) Van Dam won cleanly. Sandow isn't someone that wwe can have lose three matches in a row; he's supposed to be Mr money in the bank. A perfect way to end at least one or two of those matches would have been to have Del Rio somehow cost RVD the victory. Then your helping the feud by giving Van Dam a real reason to not like Del Rio and your not burying Damien Sandow.

 Also added to that is Sandow didn't have a match on Night of Champions because since Cody Rhodes got "fired" on raw a few weeks ago Sandow didn't have anyone to fight. So Sandow basically got dominated in his feud with Cody Rhodes, he jobbed to RVD three times in a row and he didn't even get a match on Night of Champions. I really hope wwe isn't burying another potential top star.

 Back to the whc match, before it they had a very awkward segment with RVD and Ricardo Rodriguez. It didn't come off right at all and it was just very strange to watch. I thought they were going to have Ricardo cost Van Dam the match and go back to Del Rio because I just can't see him and RVD staying together after this feud with Del Rio. They still might do at Battleground.

 The match was good and it ended with Del Rio being disqualified, I think it was after he wouldn't release the cross arm breaker. Afterward RVD hits Del Rio with the move where he dropkicks a chair into Del Rio's head from standing on the top turnbuckle. That was kind of cool and I liked the match but it wasn't as good as the Christian/Del Rio one from last month.

U.S. Title: Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler

 This match I was really looking forward to; I said in my NOC preview that it had the potential to be a great match and I was right. Ambrose and Ziggler worked really good together and Ambrose ended up winning after countering into his finisher. I'm a big fan of both pf these wrestlers and even though Dean Ambrose's US title reign hasn't gone exactly like I wanted it to (mainly because of it not being booked that good) this match will definitely be a one of the big things that I'll take away from his title reign. They also had a rematch on raw that even though it probably should have waited until Battleground was very good as well.

Paul Heyman/Curtis Axel vs CM Punk

 The booking for this match has been all over the place. It was very confusing to figure out what the stimulation for it was and it was just confusing in general. For one they had basically the same exect match on raw a few weeks ago and Axel lost cleanly to Punk not to mention that Punk has also beaten him on several other occasions. I'm glad that they gave Axel that win over Kofi Kingston earlier in the night but even so it still didn't seem like he had a chance of winning. 

 I enjoyed the match and eventually Punk did end up beating Curtis Axel. So then he drags Punk to the ring and starts beating him. This goes on for a while until Ryback comes out and forces Punk through table. It was pretty cool just because of how brutal it looked. Even so I'm still not that interested in Ryback but I guess giving him a manager is a step in the right direction. On raw though Paul Heyman and Ryback had a very very strange and awkward segment.

TT Title: The Shield (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) vs the Prime Time Players

 This was a good match and hopefully it made the Prime Time Players seem like an important team. They did come up a little bit short however because the shield ended up retaining the titles. I'm guessing that the PTP's tag team title run isn't too far away though.

WWE Title: Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

 The first few weeks of the build up for this storyline after Summerslam was awesome although felt like by the third or fourth week it was getting a little repetitive with Bryan always getting beat down. After this match though the storyline has really heated up again. 

 Before I talk about it though I have to say that I loved that segment between one of my favorite wrestlers of Edge and Triple H. That was an awesome confrontation and both of them weren't holding anything back. 

 This match was pretty good; it wasn't as good as the no holds barred one that they had back in June but it was still good. In the end Bryan hit that running knee to face and then pinned Orton with a very quick count by the referee. Then the next day on raw Triple H striped Bryan of championship because of the so called conspiracy with the fast count. Like I said before this really got me back into the storyline; it gave Bryan a night of victory before having it all taken away by Triple H on raw. Also this really hepled Randy Orton; after being called out by Stephanie on raw he's become an awsome heel. This match did a lot of good for everybody and it set up the episode of raw following it for some great storyline progression. 

 Thanks for reading you can tell me your thoughts on night of champions 2013 and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, and Instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for information specifically related to this column such as when new articles come out etc. I'll be back with another article very soon.

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