Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Wwe Battleground 2013 Preview

 Hello everybody and welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review. This is going be my preview and predictions for wwe Battleground.

Pre show: Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler
 I guess I can be glad that Mr MITB is on a ppv well kind of..the pre show. Unfortunately Sandow seems to have taken Ziggler's place as mr money in the bank aka someone that jobs to people and gets buried on a weekly biases. I wish that they would've put this match on the main show instead of the pre show to make both wrestlers look more important.  It's obvious that wwe does't care about this match very much; I' don't think they even had a feud at all. I would rather have just had Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler again.

 As much as I'd love to see Sandow get a ppv win I just don't see it happening at this one. Hopefully after this they'll give him a big feud. 

Pick: Dolph Ziggler 

The Shield's Roman Reigns/Seth Rollings vs Cody Rhodes/Golddust w Dusty Rhodes

 This feud has been awesome; I've really been enjoying all of the build up and I think it can turn Cody Rhodes into a big star. It think it could have benefited from not having Battleground so soon after Night of Champions though. After all this match was only announced on Monday's raw. That being said though I don't that has hurt the match very much because of how good this story line has been I don't think that has hurt the match very much because of how great the story line has been. Every part of it has been super entertaining and I'm really looking forward to where they're going to do with it next. I'm guessing they're going to have the Rhodes win here and fight through the shield and the authority. Also handing the Shield their first ppv loss would be big for the Rhodes.

 After that I'm not quit sure where they're going to go with it afterwards but I can't wait to find out. So far though this storylines been wonderful.

Pick: The Rhodes

IC Title Curtis Axel vs R Truth

 R Truth is on a ppv...ok whatever. At least they had somewhat of a build up on raw I guess but of course that meant that they gave  away the match for free before the ppv. I really don't care a whole lot about this match but at least they have something for R Truth to do now. Basically this match is just giving Axel something to do on the ppv I'm guessing it'll be an ok match.

Pick: Curtis Axel

CM Punk vs Ryback

 The build up for this has been..different to put it mildly. The second week I really loved it with CM Punk's promo and then the big fight. That was great but the other weeksI've been wondering what the heck is going on. I don't know why they felt the need to do that on Monday but at this point I'm just going to try to forget that it ever happened. The match should hopefully be fairly good but I'm not sure who's going to win. On one hand you don't want to have Ryback lose his first big match as a Paul Heyman guy but on the other hand CM Punk needs some sort of victory over the Heyman and is crew. I'm not quit sure how it's going to go but as long as they stay away from that stuff they were doing on raw it should be entertaining.

Pick: Ryback

WHC Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

 This match has had some actual good build up from what I've seen of Smackdown. I haven't seen a whole lot of Smackdown though so I can't say a whole lot about the build. I just know it's been better than the NOC build up. I'm thinking that this is going to be the the match where Ricardo turns on RVD and costs him the championship. The match has the potential to steel the show because it's a hardcore match. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Pick: Alberto Del Rio

WWE Title Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

 Ever since the NOC ending I've been right back on board with this corporation story line. Randy Orton is now an amazing heel and these last three weeks of build up have been very good. It got really good last week with Orton pulling Bryan's new fiance Brie Bella into the feud. Then with Bryan not being able to take it anymore and brawling with Orton. That made the match personal and really got me into it. The one thing this match could really use is a stimulation. How about a no holds bared match; I think that was what their match back in June on raw was and that was a great match. 

 I have have no idea who's going to win here; I've been thinking that at some point where going to have Triple H vs Bryan so maybe HHH will some how cost Bryan the championship and that'll then lead to a match between them at HIAC. Then maybe at Servivor Series or TLC Daniel Bryan will get the title. I don't see Bryan getting the big win that all this has been building to here just because this seems like a very minor ppv.

The match should be good and hopefully they can come up with a creative ending.

Pick: Randy Orton

 Thanks for reading be sure to tell me your predictions on twitter: @ENC98. Or Pro Wrestling Review's very own twitter: @PWReview. Be sure to stay tuned for my Battleground review and other articles.

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