Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Top 6 2013

 Merry Christmas everybody and welcome back to to Pro Wrestling Review, today I'm going to be giving my top 6 list of current wrestlers. One thing I want to make clear before we begin is that this list is influenced by what people are currently doing, so Zach Ryder for instance, I'm a huge fan of him but he hasn't done a whole this year so he's not going to be on the list.

Honorable Mentions

 There are so many great wrestlers in the wwe right now so I have to give some some honorable mentions to a few people that didn't quite make the list. Those two people are Antonio Cesaro and Cody Rhodes, both guys are great talents and if handled correctly I believe could be huge superstars in the wwe and hopefully 2014 will be a big year for both of them.

#6: CM Punk

 First off CM Punk, this has been a great year for Punk, last year he was great as a heel but this year they've given him a great face character. Punks face character back in late 2011 didn't work out very well and he just ended up burying all of the top heels and making them look like jokes. He basically had all of the things that people criticize John Cena's character for, and because of that he ended up having to feud with John Larinigtus. 

 All of the problems that I had with CM Punk's former face character though have now been fixed. That not taking anything seriously, burying all of the heels, character is gone and it's been replaced with one that works perfectly. Now Punk takes takes his feuds seriously and this year he's been a part of some very entertaining ones.

 Part of this is due to the new character and part of it is credit to wwe, they've given him such good and intense storylines that he's had to take it seriously. He's had a great feud with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesner which was one of the best feuds in years. After Summerslam that one dragged on a bit but then wwe picked right back up again with this entertaining storyline with the Shield. 

 After this I'm guessing Punk's going to be a big part of wrestlemania 30. I think the most probable option is that he'll win the Royal Rumble and go on to face Randy Orton for Wwe title. If he doesn't do that match then I'm guessing he'll face Brock Lesner, Triple H or possibly Shawn Micheals. 

 Overall CM Punk has had a great year and he's developed into probably the best face character in wwe right now. He's definitely earned his way onto this because of all the things I've just mentioned and the fact that whenever he's on tv it's usually entertaining.

#5: Damien Sandow

 I've been saying lot's if good things about Damien Sandow this year so it's no surprise that he's on this list. A lot of people don't really like Sandow's current gimmick but I do. With some people it might not have worked but Sandow plays it so well and gets really into it kind of like how Bray Wyatt gets into his gimmick. I think it's a great heel character because he really believes that he's superior to everyone else and it's not something you see everyday.

 I really don't like how he's been handled this year, they put in a tag team with Cody Rhodes but that didn't do too well because the tag team division hadn't been revitalized yet back then, which is unfortunate because they could've done good stuff in the division. Then they had him turn on his partner and win the Money in the Bank in a very cool way. It got Cody over as a face and him over as a heel and it set up a great feud. But then he lost both matches he had with Cody and he went off to the ppv pre show if he was even on ppvs at all. Then he cashed in and failed against John Cena and now he's right back in the midcard doing nothing. 

 I really want to see wwe put him in a big feud and not let him just fall into jobberville like what happened to another very talent wrestler Wade Barrett. I think that if wwe gives him a push he could be a big time heel in the company.

#4: Roman Reigns

 It seems that Roman Reigns is going to be the first breakout star of the shield. I've loved the shield ever since they debuted last year and Reigns is definitely a big reason for that. He definitely has look that wwe likes and he's not bad in the ring. It is going to be interesting to see how he does once the shield breaks up. We'll have to see how his promos are and how his matches are when he's doing it all on his own. 

 I'm glad to see that wwe's behind him and hopefully they put him into a good storyline after the shield breaks up. I really like how he's being billed as a very powerful force and he has one of the best spears I've ever seen. 

 He's gotten a great beginning in wwe and it's awesome that it looks like they're gonna give him such a push.

#3: Dean Ambrose

 Like I just said I'm a huge Shield mark but and as much as I like Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose is my favorite member. This guy is a great talent, he's one of the best mic workers in the company, and the thing I really like about him is that much like Bray Wyatt he can really get into his character. From the way he talks to way walks and executes moves it's all completely in character and it stands out.

 Kind of like the Joker in The Dark Knight, everything about him was different from everybody else, he really stood out. Dean Ambrose doesn't have a character that's as insane as the Joker, that's more of what Bray Wyatt has but especially earlier on in the year Ambrose embodied those characteristics where like the Joker but to a lesser extent, you could tell that's he's still very smart but somewhat crazy as well, so you never know what he's gonna do. I think that makes a very interesting heel.

 Now I'm not saying that every heel needs to be that way but there is definitely room for a few in te company and Dean Ambrose is one of them. I think that, among other things could propel him to be a big star in the wwe. 

2: Bobby Roode

 Bobby Roode is a different type of heel from what I just described, he's a scumbag. To quote Eddie Guerrero "he lies, he cheats, and he steals". That is the perfect type of character to get people to really dislike you and Roode plays it to perfection.

 Roode has tons of talent, he has the look, very good in the ring, great on the mic, great at playing a character, and yes he has the it factor. 

 Roode was good as a face but phenomenal as a heel and I can't wait for him to eventually win back the TNA world title and be the top heel of the company again. Tna hasn't been very good this year but the one thing that gets me to view in is Bobby Roode, I always know that whatever he's doing it's going to be very entertaining. 

 Roode definitely deserves to be number 2 on this list and he shows why every week.

#1: Daniel Bryan

 Wwe has had a much better year than Tna but still Daniel Bryan does what Bobby Roode does for me with Tna. If I had to pick the reasons that I've tuned into wwe this year he would be very high on that list. I know that whenever Bryan's in a match it's gonna be good.

 He's always been great in the ring but this year he's really picked it up. He's gotten that supper fast style that is just awesome, he flies around in a flash and that makes him super entertaining. He can do all styles of wrestling, he can be an amazing technical wrestler, he can be a high flyer, and even a bit of a brawler. In my opinion he's the best in ring performer active right now. I would say he's the Shawn Micheals in ring wise of today. That makes him my favorite wrestler right now.

 Now Daniel Bryan has been having some problems with his character as of late and the problem is that he doesn't really have one. He used to have the character coming of team hell no this summer that was a little bit crazy. Now that's all gone, I'm not saying that he needs that character anymore but he has lost something that was very important thing that he had back then, his intensity on the mic. He's very noticeably been shielded from the mic recently and every promo that he has cut hasn't had much intensity. They had John Cena get a wwe championship match him a few weeks ago and Bryan didn't even say a word in the segment. 

 His lack of promos and lack of intensity on the ones he's has cut have been a huge problem for his character. He seems too passive and when he's in this feud with the Wyatt family basically a bunch of completely insane dangerous people that want him to join them I want to see a promo one of CM Punk's promos against the Shield. Like when Punk said "at TLC I'm going down but the question is how many members of the shield am I taking with me." That was a great line and I'm just not seeing that type of stuff out of Daniel Bryan.

 Now admittedly this isn't all Bryan's fault, I mean in the last 3 months I only remember him cutting 3 promos, I think wwe believes that Bryan can talk on the mic but I wish they would give him the chance to. I know he can do it because he did back in the summer. For instance the promo he cut against John Cena right before their match at Summerslam. Now the argument they gave him about him being a true wrestler I thought was kind of ridiculous but the execution of it and the intensity was great. That's the Daniel Bryan I want to see. 

 Because of those character problems I considered switching him to number two. His extraordinary in ring work though over rides that somewhat for me. So because of how entertaining his matches are I would still consider him my number 1 favorite wrestler. 

 I'm a huge fan of Daniel Bryan but his character does needs some work and hopefully 2014 will be a big year year for him and he can fix it up. Also since he was screwed out of all his world title reigns he could use a big win and I'm hoping that he gets that at wrestlemania.

 Be sure to tell me your favorite list of current superstars in the coments section or on Twitter: ENC98 or PWReview. Thanks for reading and happy holidays.

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