Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Top 6 2013

 Merry Christmas everybody and welcome back to to Pro Wrestling Review, today I'm going to be giving my top 6 list of current wrestlers. One thing I want to make clear before we begin is that this list is influenced by what people are currently doing, so Zach Ryder for instance, I'm a huge fan of him but he hasn't done a whole this year so he's not going to be on the list.

Honorable Mentions

 There are so many great wrestlers in the wwe right now so I have to give some some honorable mentions to a few people that didn't quite make the list. Those two people are Antonio Cesaro and Cody Rhodes, both guys are great talents and if handled correctly I believe could be huge superstars in the wwe and hopefully 2014 will be a big year for both of them.

#6: CM Punk

 First off CM Punk, this has been a great year for Punk, last year he was great as a heel but this year they've given him a great face character. Punks face character back in late 2011 didn't work out very well and he just ended up burying all of the top heels and making them look like jokes. He basically had all of the things that people criticize John Cena's character for, and because of that he ended up having to feud with John Larinigtus. 

 All of the problems that I had with CM Punk's former face character though have now been fixed. That not taking anything seriously, burying all of the heels, character is gone and it's been replaced with one that works perfectly. Now Punk takes takes his feuds seriously and this year he's been a part of some very entertaining ones.

 Part of this is due to the new character and part of it is credit to wwe, they've given him such good and intense storylines that he's had to take it seriously. He's had a great feud with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesner which was one of the best feuds in years. After Summerslam that one dragged on a bit but then wwe picked right back up again with this entertaining storyline with the Shield. 

 After this I'm guessing Punk's going to be a big part of wrestlemania 30. I think the most probable option is that he'll win the Royal Rumble and go on to face Randy Orton for Wwe title. If he doesn't do that match then I'm guessing he'll face Brock Lesner, Triple H or possibly Shawn Micheals. 

 Overall CM Punk has had a great year and he's developed into probably the best face character in wwe right now. He's definitely earned his way onto this because of all the things I've just mentioned and the fact that whenever he's on tv it's usually entertaining.

#5: Damien Sandow

 I've been saying lot's if good things about Damien Sandow this year so it's no surprise that he's on this list. A lot of people don't really like Sandow's current gimmick but I do. With some people it might not have worked but Sandow plays it so well and gets really into it kind of like how Bray Wyatt gets into his gimmick. I think it's a great heel character because he really believes that he's superior to everyone else and it's not something you see everyday.

 I really don't like how he's been handled this year, they put in a tag team with Cody Rhodes but that didn't do too well because the tag team division hadn't been revitalized yet back then, which is unfortunate because they could've done good stuff in the division. Then they had him turn on his partner and win the Money in the Bank in a very cool way. It got Cody over as a face and him over as a heel and it set up a great feud. But then he lost both matches he had with Cody and he went off to the ppv pre show if he was even on ppvs at all. Then he cashed in and failed against John Cena and now he's right back in the midcard doing nothing. 

 I really want to see wwe put him in a big feud and not let him just fall into jobberville like what happened to another very talent wrestler Wade Barrett. I think that if wwe gives him a push he could be a big time heel in the company.

#4: Roman Reigns

 It seems that Roman Reigns is going to be the first breakout star of the shield. I've loved the shield ever since they debuted last year and Reigns is definitely a big reason for that. He definitely has look that wwe likes and he's not bad in the ring. It is going to be interesting to see how he does once the shield breaks up. We'll have to see how his promos are and how his matches are when he's doing it all on his own. 

 I'm glad to see that wwe's behind him and hopefully they put him into a good storyline after the shield breaks up. I really like how he's being billed as a very powerful force and he has one of the best spears I've ever seen. 

 He's gotten a great beginning in wwe and it's awesome that it looks like they're gonna give him such a push.

#3: Dean Ambrose

 Like I just said I'm a huge Shield mark but and as much as I like Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose is my favorite member. This guy is a great talent, he's one of the best mic workers in the company, and the thing I really like about him is that much like Bray Wyatt he can really get into his character. From the way he talks to way walks and executes moves it's all completely in character and it stands out.

 Kind of like the Joker in The Dark Knight, everything about him was different from everybody else, he really stood out. Dean Ambrose doesn't have a character that's as insane as the Joker, that's more of what Bray Wyatt has but especially earlier on in the year Ambrose embodied those characteristics where like the Joker but to a lesser extent, you could tell that's he's still very smart but somewhat crazy as well, so you never know what he's gonna do. I think that makes a very interesting heel.

 Now I'm not saying that every heel needs to be that way but there is definitely room for a few in te company and Dean Ambrose is one of them. I think that, among other things could propel him to be a big star in the wwe. 

2: Bobby Roode

 Bobby Roode is a different type of heel from what I just described, he's a scumbag. To quote Eddie Guerrero "he lies, he cheats, and he steals". That is the perfect type of character to get people to really dislike you and Roode plays it to perfection.

 Roode has tons of talent, he has the look, very good in the ring, great on the mic, great at playing a character, and yes he has the it factor. 

 Roode was good as a face but phenomenal as a heel and I can't wait for him to eventually win back the TNA world title and be the top heel of the company again. Tna hasn't been very good this year but the one thing that gets me to view in is Bobby Roode, I always know that whatever he's doing it's going to be very entertaining. 

 Roode definitely deserves to be number 2 on this list and he shows why every week.

#1: Daniel Bryan

 Wwe has had a much better year than Tna but still Daniel Bryan does what Bobby Roode does for me with Tna. If I had to pick the reasons that I've tuned into wwe this year he would be very high on that list. I know that whenever Bryan's in a match it's gonna be good.

 He's always been great in the ring but this year he's really picked it up. He's gotten that supper fast style that is just awesome, he flies around in a flash and that makes him super entertaining. He can do all styles of wrestling, he can be an amazing technical wrestler, he can be a high flyer, and even a bit of a brawler. In my opinion he's the best in ring performer active right now. I would say he's the Shawn Micheals in ring wise of today. That makes him my favorite wrestler right now.

 Now Daniel Bryan has been having some problems with his character as of late and the problem is that he doesn't really have one. He used to have the character coming of team hell no this summer that was a little bit crazy. Now that's all gone, I'm not saying that he needs that character anymore but he has lost something that was very important thing that he had back then, his intensity on the mic. He's very noticeably been shielded from the mic recently and every promo that he has cut hasn't had much intensity. They had John Cena get a wwe championship match him a few weeks ago and Bryan didn't even say a word in the segment. 

 His lack of promos and lack of intensity on the ones he's has cut have been a huge problem for his character. He seems too passive and when he's in this feud with the Wyatt family basically a bunch of completely insane dangerous people that want him to join them I want to see a promo one of CM Punk's promos against the Shield. Like when Punk said "at TLC I'm going down but the question is how many members of the shield am I taking with me." That was a great line and I'm just not seeing that type of stuff out of Daniel Bryan.

 Now admittedly this isn't all Bryan's fault, I mean in the last 3 months I only remember him cutting 3 promos, I think wwe believes that Bryan can talk on the mic but I wish they would give him the chance to. I know he can do it because he did back in the summer. For instance the promo he cut against John Cena right before their match at Summerslam. Now the argument they gave him about him being a true wrestler I thought was kind of ridiculous but the execution of it and the intensity was great. That's the Daniel Bryan I want to see. 

 Because of those character problems I considered switching him to number two. His extraordinary in ring work though over rides that somewhat for me. So because of how entertaining his matches are I would still consider him my number 1 favorite wrestler. 

 I'm a huge fan of Daniel Bryan but his character does needs some work and hopefully 2014 will be a big year year for him and he can fix it up. Also since he was screwed out of all his world title reigns he could use a big win and I'm hoping that he gets that at wrestlemania.

 Be sure to tell me your favorite list of current superstars in the coments section or on Twitter: ENC98 or PWReview. Thanks for reading and happy holidays.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: TLC 2013 Review

Welcome to another edition of Pro Wresting Review, today I'm going to be giving my TLC 2013 review.

Pre Show: Fandango vs Dolph Ziggler

 This match was alright while it lasted, it didn't go on for very long and in the end Fandango ended up getting the win after a distraction from Summer Ray. The next night on raw Ziggler got the win in their rematch. I'd love to see them continue this feud but odds are the match on raw was the end of it. Hopefully now they have something good in mind for both of these guys.

3 on 1 Handicap Match: CM Punk vs The Shield

 This was a good way to to start off the show, the match was fun and it had some very entertaining moments. For instance at one point outside the ring Roman Reigns went to spear CM Punk but Punk moved out of the way and Reigns ended up launching himself onto the announce table. The announcers said that when he came threw he hit his eye on the corner of a chair. It looked real because his eye did looked messed up but as someone on Pro Wrestling Talk Radio pointed out, Reigns was with the doctor most of the rest match so they would have had time to put some makeup on him. Near the end of the match Roman back came into the ring and went to spear Punk again but Punk once again moved out of the way and Reigns ended up spearing Dean Ambrose, then Punk threw him out of the ring and pinned Ambrose for the win. 

 If the eye injury was real it definitely came at right time because it kind of made scene that Reigns would miss the spear because he was disoriented. 

 Overall this was a very entertaining match, from here I see CM Punk possibly winning the royal rumble or at least entering it and going onto the road to wrestlemania. The Shield will probably break up around the royal rumble or elimination chamber, I'm really glad that they're taking their time with the break up and doing it too fast. 

 Overall very good match here and great way to start off the show. I'm very interested to see where the Shield and CM Punk go from here.

Divas Title Match: AJ vs Natalia

 Finally wwe has a good divas match, I knew when they put these two together it would be a good. I would say this is in second place for divas match of the year. The best one that I've see was Page vs Natalia on NXT a few weeks ago. 

 I wish they would've given this match more time though, usually with the divas division the less time the better but in this case since these two can actually go, I think it would've been better if it had gone on longer. The division definitely needs a lot work, when there's only been two matches from the divas division in one year that I would consider really good then there's a problem.

IC Title Match: Big E Langston vs Damien Sandow

 This match was entertaining but I don't know why it wasn't stimulation match, a tables match would've worked perfectly here. The unification match was in fact the only tlc like stimulation on the card. I think what wwe was trying to do was make that match even bigger, really make it seem like the show was all about it but I would've rather had more of the matches have simulations. I mean it's TLC, the one night of year when I expect to see TLC matches, also it puts a ton of pressure, maybe too much pressure on main event to deliver, which I'll get to in a little while. 

 Even though I wish this would've been a tables match, it was still entertaining and I liked it. In the end Big E won with a big ending. I hope wwe has big plans for both Damien Sandow and Big E Langston, Sandow desperately needs a good storyline to go into since he's been sliding down the card a lot ever since he lost his his MITB cash in, well actually he was never that high on the card in first place. The point is though this guy was supposed to be a world champion and now he's doing nothing.

 They also need to put Big E into a good feud to keep him relevant. This always happens to midcard champions, they're hot when they win the title but then soon afterwords wwe doesn't give them any good material and they become irrelevant. Especially since we're near the Royal Rumble and the Elimination Chamber which is a time when there's not a lot of feuds going on and they just put people into the rumble and elimination chamber matches. 

R-Truth vs Brodus Clay 

 This was basically just a cool down match, it did actually have a feud behind though, they're having this whole thing with Tons of Funk splitting up and then there's also Xavier Woods and R-Truth in there too. The match was alright but I'm interested to see where they go with this storyline.

 The match ended when R Truth pinned Brodus Clay with roll after Brodus was distracted arguing with Tensai. The problem with it is that R Truth and Tons of Funk have been booked basically like jobbers all year so it's king of hard to care about a feud involving them. Hopefully they make it interesting enough so that we do care anyway. 

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz

 At first I didn't really like this feud and The Miz's heel turn but now I'm actually starting to. They had some weird stuff in the beginning when The Miz didn't accept Kofi's tag, they had a match together, there was Miz tv which is always bad and then they were tagging together again but in that match Miz turned on Kofi again and after that they had another match on raw and now they had this match. At first it was really weird because Miz kept going back and forth between being a heel an being a face. Now though it seems they're getting somewhere though, apparently on the pre show Miz was saying lots of bad things about Kofi and then they got into a brawl. Afterwords this match was announced on the spot for show. I liked the brawl and as you could see in the match this is becoming a big feud between these two.

 I really enjoyed the match, there was some fighting outside the ring and Kofi showed a lot of intensity during it which I really liked. Kofi went for the trouble in paradise but Miz ducked and he ended up kicking the ring pole. That foot injury was the big story for the rest of the match and The Miz focused most of his offence on it but in the end Kofi won with a successful trouble in paradise. Like I said I thought the match was good but I've heard a lot of people say they didn't like it, I think there are three reason for that. One these two haven't been booked in many major feuds this year so they don't seem important and wwe isn't doing much to fix that. I hate when they announce somewhat major matches the night of a ppv because it makes the match seem unimportant and like filler. 

 The third reason I think people had a problem with the match is because these two have had so many matches together recently. I've said many times on here that I don't like when wwe gives away ppv matches for free before ppvs. In this feud they did that, these two have had tons of matches together recently so one more at a ppv doesn't seem like it's anything special. Now wwe did try to make the match unique from their other ones by adding a no DQ stimulation, (I would have rather had it be a TLC type stimulation instead since it was at TLC.) They didn't really use the no DQ stimulation very much, we did see them fighting outside of the ring but they never did anything that would have gotten them disqualified.

 Over all I liked this match but I wish it wouldn't have been announced the night of the show.

TT Title Elimination Match: The Rhodes Bros. vs The Real Americans vs Rey Mysterio and The Big Show vs Rybaxel

 This was a very good match as most tag team matches these days are, the final two teams were Mysterio and Big Show and Cody and Golddust. Cody ends up winning after delivering the cross Rhodes to Rey Mysterio, afterwords both teams shook hands. Then on raw this week these two teams had a rematch and Mysterio and Big Show ended up coming out on top so I'm guessing this is going to lead to a title match the Royal Rumble. The team of Rey and Big Show I guess is ok, neither of them are really doing anything at moment but hopefully Rey doesn't get injured this time right before wrestlemania like he did last year. 

 One thing I didn't like about this match was that they didn't handle the Real Americans very well. They had the Big Show knock both guys out, so they didn't look too good coming out of the ppv. The thing I really didn't though was that on raw they had them in a match against Mark Henry and Big E and they basically got dominated. It looks like the Real Americans are on their way to becoming tag team champions in the next few months as I'm guessing the Rhodes will drop the titles and go into a match against each other for wrestlemania. They could have the brothers face off as tag team champions like they did with I believe Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero at wrestlemania once but I'm guessing they'll drop the belts. The Real Americans are the logical choice to to take them, I could see the Usos or Show and Mysterio taking them but since Cody and Golddust are faces I think it's time for a heel run. Hopefully they start handling the team like future champions instead of what they've been doing recently.

 Overall pretty good match here but I was surprised the Usos weren't in it. I wish they would've done a TLC tag team match, do The Rhodes vs The Usos vs Real Americans in a triangle TLC match, that would've been awesome. 

The Wyatt Family vs Daniel Bryan

 I said in my TLC preview that I've learned never to bet against Daniel Bryan having a good match. A lot of people thought this match wasn't going to deliver but it definitely did, this was my favorite match of the night. We got some good spots from all the guys in the it including Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt is someone that, like Daniel Bryan really gets into his character and that is really shown by his in ring moves, the move he hit were pretty basic moves but because of the way he did them it made them really cool. Also he did that creepy upside down crawl. 

 I'm becoming a big fan of the Wyatt family, you have Bray who is absolutely amazing on the mic but not the best in the ring. That's ok though because you also have Eric Rowen and especially Luke Harper who pick up the in ring work very well. I also don't know if Bray Wyatt is as bad in the ring as people make him out to be, granted he's not great but he has had some decent matches. He had two decent ones with I believe Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler earlier this year. The one with Kane at Summerslam was a bust but that was only one match, I've heard that he's some good ones on NXT before. Also like I said the way he executes his moves really helps him a lot. 

 One more thing I want to point out is that in The Undertaker's early days some of his matches weren't all that great either but later in his career he was having 5 star matches. Hopefully it will be the same way Bray Wyatt and he'll end up working out in the ring. 

 They had the perfect opportunity these last few weeks to do Bray Wyatt against Daniel Bryan who I'm nearly certain he can have a good match against. I hope that they still end up doing that at some point because it seems that he Bryan are still sort of in a feud and a match on raw between the two would be the perfect way to finish it off.

 I really enjoyed this match, it had some awesome story telling in it with Bray Wyatt trying to get Daniel Bryan to join them. Bray sticking his hand out and then Bryan kicking it away was great. They played to everyone's strengths in this match, they had Bryan, Harper and Rowen do the majority of the in ring work and they had Bray Wyatt in for only little bits at a time delivering some cool moves doing most of the storytelling. 

 I'm interested to see where they go with the Wyatts after this. As for Daniel Bryan, he needs some character development.  I'm also hoping they put him in a big time match at wrestlemania and his ring work is amazing as usual. With the storytelling combined with just the match itself this was my favorite match of the night. I would say this was one my favorite matches in a long time but we've seen some great stuff lately, especially that match with Daniel Bryan against Randy Orton, wow that awesome, one of the best matches this year.

TLC Match Wwe/WHC: Randy Orton vs John Cena

 Moving on to a match that was billed as one of the biggest of all time for the unified world and wwe titles I really enjoyed the build up especially the segment on the go home show last week. 

 I thought  the match was pretty good I've know that a lot of people didn't really like it, mainly because of how big wwe was promoting it to be they were expecting an HBK vs Undertaker and that just wasn't what this was. It was a good match, maybe even a very good match but it wasn't one of the best matches of all time like many people wanted. So wwe building it up to be so big actually back fired. For me though it had the opposite effect, The big build up actually made me enjoy the match more.

 I was expecting Cena to win but I'm really glad they went with Randy Orton because I think there's a lot more they can do with him than John Cena right now. When the Authority came out after his win though I was disappointed because I was afraid that meant that Randy was going to be the corporate champion again and we've seen that for the last five months. On Raw though they did a pretty job with that by adding a lot of tension between the Authority and Orton, they're still partners some what but definitely not like they were back in September. That's really helped Orton's character a lot and we've been seeing some pretty good stuff from him lately. Also it doesn't make it seem like he's the lakie for Triple H and Stephanie anymore. So I'm glad they're distancing him from the Authority.

 Over all I liked it but I can see why some people didn't think it lived up to it's expectations. I'm really exited to see where they go from here with Orton as champion for the Royal Rumble and especially Wrestlemania. I'll be doing some wrestlemania possibilities articles soon talking about the wwe championship at mania and other matches. 

 TLC usually is a pretty solid event for wwe and this years incarnation was no different. The two handicap matches that a lot of people were worried about turned out to be great, the only thing that I really wish they would've done differently was have more stimulation matches on the card. I think wwe is starting to get back on track, there were those very poor ppvs back in  the fall, Survivor Series was ok and this one was pretty good.

 Be sure to tell me your thoughts on TLC on twitter: @ENC98 or on Pro Wrestling Review's very own twitter; @PWReview. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: TLC 2013 Preview

 Hello everybody and welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, today I'm going to be giving my preview of Wwe TLC 2013. I'll be giving my thoughts on the feuds leading up to the matches and also my predictions.

Pre Show: Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango

 I'm not sure if this match had any build up what so ever, if it did it must have happened on Smackdown. It's unfortunate that these two have been demoted to the pre show and that they're not having a major midcard feud together. It's really discouraging for the rest of the midcard talent since Ziggler went from being a world champion in May to a pre show king now. The biggest thing he's done lately is those hardcore type gimmick matches with Damien Sandow, I liked those matches but the announcers seemed as interested in them as a divas match.

 Usually I don't watch the pre show but I'll try to catch this one since both guys are very good in the ring.

Pick: Dolph Ziggler

WWE TT Title Match: Rhodes Brothers vs Rybaxel vs Rey Mysterio and The Big Show vs The Real Americans

 This match was announced pretty late in the game, I think on their website, which is unfortunate seeing as they should be making the tag team match feel more important. Still, it should a very good match if it's anything like the recent tag team matches.

 One thing I've heard people bring up is that wwe could have done a TLC tag team match. I'm a big fan of those from the attitude era and I think it would been a good think to do to solidify how important the division is now. If they were going to do that though they should've built it up really big so I don't see them changing it last minute with an app vote or something like that. 

 Even without being a TLC match this has the possibility to steel the show and I'm looking forward to it.

Pick: Cody Rhodes and Golddust

IC Title Match: Big E Langston vs Damien Sandow

 I wish they would've made this match a tables match, not that these two can't have good regular match together but since it's TLC it should've had a stimulation. There's still the possibility of them changing it on the show but if they are gonna do a stimulation, they should've announced it before hand. 

 There's been a little bit of a feud developing between these two, basically just stare downs. I definitely see Big E getting the win here, they could surprise us and put the title on Sandow since he's not really doing anything right now but since Big E is so new into his title reign I don't think they will. 

Pick: Big E Langston

Divas Title Match: AJ Lee vs Natalia

 The divas division has been in shambles lately, well actually for years but even more, recently. We had that terrible survivor series match and the musical chairs thing leading up to it. It seemed like was hope for division when AJ became champ back May, but in the end there's only so much one person can do to save a division. One thing that wwe could do is give up AJ vs Natalia, and they finally have.

  I've been wanting them to do this match ever since AJ became champ and I'm really glad they are doing it now. Natalia is coming off of probably the best divas match of the hear with Paige on NXT, I hope that this match is as good as that one. I'm gonna go with Natalia for the win here because AJs been champ for while and she's done basically everything she can do with the title.I hope they make this a continual feud and we get more ppv matches between these two.

Pick: Natalia

3 on 1 Handicap Match: Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family

 This match has had an interesting build up, Bray Wyatt is awesome, if he could fix up his in ring work a little bit he'd be one of the top young prospects in the wwe. Those two promos that he cut trying to get Daniel Bryan to join the Wyatt family were amazing, probably the best promos he's cut since he was called up to the main roster. 

 Daniel Bryan has been very noticeably shielded from the mic every since he got out of the wwe title picture, I think wwe believes that he can't do very well on it but I disagree. Admittedly Bryan is much better at playing a character type character if that makes scene. Like what he did back in 2012 with that heel character and then with the team hell no character, he cut some very good promos. Right now he has a little bit more generic character but I believe he can still be good on the mic if they the give him the chance. He's no CM Punk when it comes to talking but this summer we saw some very good promos from him in the character that he's in currently. The thing that he needs to keep when talking is that intensity that he has in the ring, his promos used to very intense and I'd like to see him go back to that. 

 I hope wwe starts giving him the opportunity to talk more often because this feud really could've used a good promo, by him. Aside from that no chant that he started on Raw, we don't even know if he wants to accept Bray Wyatts offer to join the Wyatt family or not.

 Going off of that, I don't see Bryan joining the Wyatt family, for one it's not a good time at all to turn him heel because of how over he is. They need to be pushing him as a top guy and I would hate to see him play second fiddle to Bray Wyatt, taking nothing away from Bray but Daniel Bryan is a little bit higher up on the card than he is. Also if he joined them there's the possibility that he would overshadow the Luke Harper and Eric Rowen.

 So I definitely don't see Bryan joining them but I'm not sure what's going to happen at the ppv. I think the Wyatts need the win but it just feels like something is going to happen in the match. I'm not sure what it will be but I'm looking forward to it.

 I've heard a lot of people say that this has the possibility of being a bad match but I don't think it will be. I've learned never to bet against the fact that Daniel Bryan can have a great match with anyone. Looking at in ring talent I would say Bryan is the Shawn Micheals of this generation, he can make anyone look good. Look at Ryback, he had his best matches with Bryan. 

 I'm expecting a decent match here, one because it's Daniel Bryan and two because Eric Rowen and especially Luke Harper are fairly good in the ring. I'm also interested to see how Bray Wyatt will do in a match against Bryan.

 I guess I'll go with the Wyatts for the win but I'm really not sure what's going to happen.

Pick: The Wyatt Family

3 on 1 Handicap Match: CM Punk vs The Shield

 This feud has been a little bit better than the previous match's feud because we had CM Punk on the mic, he delivered the promos that the previous feud needed from Bryan. I absolutely loved when he said "At TLC I'm going down but the question is, how many members of the Shield am I taking with me" that was an awesome line. Say what you will about CM Punk but when it comes to all around talent in the ring, on the mic, telling a story, I would definitely agree that CM Punk is the best in the world.

 Roman Reigns seems to be the one out of the Shield right now that wwe really wants to push. They've been planting seeds of the Shield's eventual break up for a little while now and there is a possibility that tonight we might see that break up. 

 The big thing coming out of their break up seems like it will be between Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose so they might want to save that for Wrestlemania and have the Shield break up closer to Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber time. Although on the other hand, I think that there is a possibility that one of the members of the Shield face the Undertaker at mania. I originally thought it would be Ambrose but now it looks like it would be Reigns since he's the one getting the big push. If they do do Reigns vs Taker they'd probably want to Roman to be heel so maybe they'd want to break up the Shield after Wrestlemania, maybe even have Ambrose somewhat cost Roman Reigns the victory.

 That's all just speculation though. My guess for tonight is there will just be some miscommunication with the Shield and it end up costing them the match and Punk will probably pin Rollins or Ambrose. Then after the Shield loses Punk will get speared by Reigns and he'll be standing tall at the end of the night.

 It is a bit weird having two three on one handicap matches at the show, I wouldn't be surprised if in at least one them they use the table ladders and chairs that I assume will be surrounding the ring. This should be a very entertaining match and if they had to do two handicap matches, they picked the right two people to be in them.

Pick: CM Punk

Wwe/WHC Unification TLC Match: Randy Orton vs John Cena

 This is the match that will make or break the show, they've booked it as one of the biggest matches of all time. I don't think I've ever seen a bad TLC match so I'm expecting it to deliver.

I've really enjoyed the feud going into it, especially that segment that closed out the latest episode of raw. Wow, that was one of my favorite segments of raw this year and it's probably my favorite promo that I've ever seen from John Cena. If we saw that John Cena every week I would be a big fan of him. The promo was great but that's not taking anything away from Randy Orton's promo. His was very good as well, I really liked how he incorporated many of the legends into it, talking about how he took years off of their careers. Both guys were at their best and the brawl afterword was really cool. Possibly foreshadowing some stuff for WM with Triple H and CM Punk and Bryan and Shawn Micheals. I also liked how they had HHH pedigree Orton so that people wouldn't think that the authority was just gonna help him win again.

 There's been a ton of speculation about who will win the match, some people even think that Triple H will somehow walk away as the champion. While that is somewhat of a possibility I don't really see it happening. Triple H has been on raw about every week since March so that wouldn't be a problem but I'm not sure if he would want to wrestle every week. If he wins the belt I would expect that he'll hold it until Mania, if that happens I hope he doesn't do what the Rock did last year and only do matches at ppvs. Especially since Wrestlemaina is over four months away having a Wwe champion that doesn't compete on raw much wouldn't really work. If Triple H were to do matches on raw then I'd be ok with it. 

 One good thing about Triple H as champion would be that he could defend the title against Daniel Bryam and The Big Show since in their storylines it seemed like it was more of a feud between them and HHH than them and Randy Orton. I don't see this being a big possibility though and I'll be very surprised if the Game walks out with the title tonight.

 This type of match would be the perfect way to put the title on young star, if they hadn't wasted Damien Sandow's money in the bank they could've had him cash in after the match. Now there would be the problem of him only having WHC MITB but I'm sure they could've worked around that since the titles will be unified.

 Since they don't have a MITB holder right now I'm gonna go Cena for the win.  Orton has been champ for a while and if he wins here this wouldn't really seem like a major turning point since the WHC has been irrelevant for a while. I think Orton has a chance of winning but I'm going with Cena then he can face the winner of the royal rumble at Wrestlemania.

 At first I was skeptical about whether or not wwe is really serious about unifying the titles because this type of match is something that would normally happen at Wrestlemania. I'm guessing they decided to do it at TLC because of the bad buy rates for the recent ppvs. With the hype that they've given it they better not do something where Cena and Orton both grab  their own title or they grab each others titles, that would not be ok. I don't think they're going to do that though.

I really like how big of a match wwe is building this up to be. Because of that and the great segment closing out raw I'm really looking forward to it.

Pick: John Cena

 This ppv has the potential to be very good, I've always liked the TLC ppvs and hopefully we see some good stuff here tonight. I'll be back right here in a few days to give my review of it.

 Be sure to tell me your thoughts and predictions for TLC on twitter @ENC98 or on Pro Wrestling Review's very own twitter @PWReview. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Current TNA Product Review part 2

 Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, this is the second part of my analysis of Tna's current product.

 Another big thing is this Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle feud, I'm a fan of both guys and I'm really liking the feud. They had a very good match on what was I believe the episode of Impact following Bound for Glory and I though that match was much better than their B4G one. Now it looks like they're going to have another one at Tna's next ppv themed episode of Impact

 One of the things I've really liked about this title tournament is that many of the matches have good build up, they either play off of former feuds or they do new things to enhance the feuds such as when Bobby Roode attacked James Storm attacked in the bar. From what I've seen, this tournament has helped the product a lot and it's produced some great matches.

 One more thing that I want to talk about is this EC3 guy, Ethan Carter the Third, I'm not quite sure what to think of him. The whole we're the Carters and world needs us thing is kind of corny but it does make him come across as a self entitled jerk who thinks he is better than everyone else. I would rather have him in a little more serious gimmick though. It looks he's getting a push but I would like to see his matches improve, so far he's only been in squash like matches and as I explained in my Bound for Glory review, I'm not a fan of squash matches at all. His matches aren't technically squash matches but they're pretty close. If Tna is serious about giving him a push then they should give him competitive matches so we can see how he is in the ring, not just how well he is at beating people in nearly squash match and hitting Dean Ambrose's finisher.

 Overall I would say Tna is doing pretty good right now, they really failed with Bound for Glory but now they're product is pretty good. When Tna is as their best like they were in most of 2012 they're great. They do a lot of things better than wwe such as utilizing their whole roster instead of just the top few guys. Also the two hour format is so much better than raw's three hours. I really hope wwe eventually goes back to two hours because right now it seems almost like seems a chore to sit through three hours of raw. Also they don't know how to use that time at all, they should be building up midcarders and giving feuds to people that normally wouldn't good feuds. Instead they end up just using that time for filler that nobody cares about.

 Right now Tna is doing good but the problem is they can't maintain it, I've seen it so many times before, they get good and I get really invested into the product but they turn around get terrible again. 

 Tna just needs to maintain a good product, I thought they had it in 2012 when they had good stuff for nearly a year but then in 2013 they fell off again, so much so that for the majority of the year I stopped watching Tna on a weekly basis. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come for 2014 and hopefully they can maintain it, but I'm still skeptical because I've been burned by them before.

 Be or sure to tell me your thoughts on Tna on twitter @ENC98 or on Pro Wrestling Review's very own twitter @PWReview. Thanks for reading.

Pro Wrestling Review: Current TNA Product Review part 1

 Hello everyone, today I want to talk about Tna, now if you read my Bound for Glory 2013 review then you know that I was not very pleased with that show at all, I mean I would say it was even worse than Battleground. That's saying a lot, it was worse than wwe's worst show of the year and it was supposed to be Tna's best show of the year.

 I decided that after I was gonna be done with Tna for a while, and I've taken a break from it but lately I've been hearing some good things about the company with the world title tournament so this weekend I watched the latest three episodes of Impact. That included the turning point themed episode, the thanksgiving one and the latest one. Today I'm going to be you my thoughts on those episodes and my thoughts on tna current product in general.

 I really enjoyed the turning point episode, I wish Bound for Glory could have been like that. It reminded of back in 2012 when Tna was really good. They have an interesting storyline going on in the main event with AJ Styles taking the TNA world title away from the company and defending it in other ones, AJ Styles definitely isn't as hot or as over as CM Punk was when wwe did a story line similar to this back in the summer of 2011 but it's still entertaining with him. The whole friends of AJ thing is a little bit silly though. It pretty entertaining though and I'm glad that they're letting it play out and they're not bringing AJ back too soon.  

 Also it's caused this great title tournament, I'm really glad that they're doing it and it's great that they've given it plenty of time. Tna does very well with tournaments, as shown with this and their bound for glory series. 

 Like I said the turning point episode was very good, we had Samoa Joe vs Magnus, who they're still in the process of turning. I'm glad they're turning Magnus heel, most of this year it's been obvious that Tna wanted to do something with him and I've always preferred him as a heel.

 We also had Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray with Anderson's career on the line and Bully's aces and eights group on the line. Anderson wins in a very entertaining match and all I can say is it's about time. That was a glorious day in Tna, the day that the aces and eights was finally finished. When they first started out I liked them, but then Tna started handling them very poorly and it just went on for way too long. That group was one of the reasons that Tna really dragged on this year. I liked the decision of putting Bully Ray at the head of the gang, and I thought he did a good job as world heavyweight champion but the aces and eights did start to weight him down. 

 I'm glad that Bully's on his own now because I think he can be better utilized that way. Also this feud between Mr Anderson and Bully has been very entertaining.

 The best match on the turning point  card was Bobby Roode vs James Storm. This match had lot's of build up, they not only played up these two's history but they had Bobby attack Storm in a bar. I thought that was really cool and I've always loved the feud between the former Beer Money partners. As many of you may I'm a big fan these two especially Bobby Roode. I really liked them in Beer Money and they've been great now that they've been in the main event these last two years. 

 This was another great match between these two, it was a Florida death match, which is basically just a last man standing match. The match was great and the ending was good too, it looks like they're setting up a feud between Gunner and James Storm, the former tag team champions. At this point it looks like Storm would be the heel in it but I'm thinking it will end up being the other way around as I don't think it's a good idea to turn Storm heel right now.

 Also in this match James Storm had that never say die attitude, no matter what Roode did to him he just wouldn't stay down. Doing that is something to instantly get baby faces over, like with Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 13, when a face just will not quit. I love when they do that with faces and I hope after this Storm gets back on he right track. In 2012 it looked like he was set to become world champion but after his match with Bobby Roode at Bound for Glory he fell down the card a bit. Hopefully next year will be the year that he finally gets his title reign.

 So this was another classic match between Storm and Roode, but if you want to see a match that was even better then go check out Storm vs Roode at Bound for Glory 2012. That match was great and that bound for glory show made this year's look like trash, which was what it mostly was.

 Turning Point was a very good show, the thanksgiving episode wasn't too good but then Tna picked right back up with last week's episode which was pretty good. We had Bobby Roode vs Jeff Hardy in a table's match which was very good and Magnus vs Kurt Angle which was good as well. So it looks like the finals are going to be Jeff Hardy vs Magnus, that should be a good match and I definitely Magnus winning, completing his heel and becoming world champion.

 Thanks for reading part 1, be sure to check out part two and give me your thoughts on Turning Point on twitter @ENC98.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Survivor Series 2013 Review

 Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, today I'm going to be giving my review of Wwe Survivor Series 2013.

Pre Show: The Miz vs Kofi Kingston

 This match had somewhat of a build from the episode of raw where The Miz turned heel by not accepting the tag  from his partner Kofi Kingston. That came off very strange to me, Miz was standing there with a really weird looking smile.

 It seems that they're continuing this feud with the two having a rematch on this weeks raw, hopefully they keep the feud going. Unfortunately the Miz was involved in another segment on raw, Miz tv, my gosh, that show is usually really bad, but this week it was really really bad. They had Titus O'Neil and the special guest host out there and it went on for way too long. Most of raw really dragged on this week and segments like that go to show why raw should not be three hours long. There was just so much pointless stuff on this weeks show.

 Back to the Miz though, I'm really glad they turned him heel and I was actually a fan of him when he used to be a heel. This face character was really not working so it was definitely time for a change. Although so far the execution hasn't been very good. What Miz needs is the wwe to get behind him again, I prefer him as a heel but I think he could have been successful as a face if they had given him good storylines. Hopefully this time around they won't let him slide down the card.

Survivor Series Match: The Shield and The Real Americans vs Cody Rhodes, Golddust, The Usos and Rey Mysterio

 This was a very good match, I love the resurgence that the tag team division has gotten recently. Like all the other matches involving the tag team division this was great and it just goes to show how good a tag team division can be. Cody Rhodes had a lot of cool spots and he's becoming very very good in the ring not to mention that he's super over. If wwe handles him right I see him becoming a huge star and I have to complement them on what they've been doing with him so far.

 This match was mainly about Roman Reigns, the numbers were against him most of the match but he still found a way to pull out the win. It seems as though this is the beginning of a huge push for him. I'm a big fan of Reigns, as well as the other shield members and I see him being a huge star in the wwe. 
 This match was very entertaining and I'm looking forward to where they go with Roman Reigns.

 Big E Langston vs Curtis Axel

 I'm quickly becoming a Big E Lanston fan and I'm really glad to see that he's getting this push. As I've heard other people point though, why didn't he just win the title at Survivor Series. Once again wwe gives away a ppv match the week before on raw and with it the big moment of Big E winning. So which sounds better "Big E finally won the Intercontinental title at the historic event of Survivor Series", or "Big E won the title on a random episode of raw". 

 The match though was entertaining and I'm exited to see where Langston goes from here. Also I'll have an another article coming out soon talking about how wwe handled Curtis Axel.

The Divas vs The Total Divas

 I finally watch the divas match and this is what I get. This was by far the worst match of the night, it was really really bad. They gave it a little bit more time than they usually give divas matches but it still wasn't enough though to have good have a good 14 on 14 survivor series match. Not that I'm complaining though because I don't think I could've taken much more it. The thing was though they had to get everybody eliminated in time so they'd bounce someones head off the ring post and eliminate her, or do one kick and the person was gone. The fans could've probably thrown something at them and it would have knocked them out. I don't know if the divas were taking lessons from the referees or what, cause if you even bump into those refs they're usually completely knocked out. This was so stupid it was almost funny. In the end Natalia wins with a sharpshooter.

 Also the build up for the match, which was basically just one week of raw, was a complete disaster. They did that musical chairs thing which was really dumb and then they had quick fight and were done. That segment came off really really weird but it's not unlike anything else we've come to expect from the divas division. It was hilarious how even the announcers were saying it was stupid.

WHC Match: John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio

 For the first time in months the world heavyweight championship match actually has a feud going in to it. It may not have been a great feud but at least there was one. I was disappointed that Damien Sandow wasn't in this match, they've really dropped the ball with him and it looks that money in the bank briefcase meant nothing. 

 I've heard a lot of people say that this match was bad but I really enjoyed it. People will say that it was the same match from Hell in a Cell, but heck I liked that one and liked this one too. I've been enjoying John Cena ever since he came back, I think the arm injury has made his character much more interesting. 

 Now John Cena is going into a feud for the world heavyweight and Wwe championship. That makes the match a very big deal but I'm a little bit skeptical. If wwe was serious about doing a title unification match I think they would do it at wrestlemania. I'm wondering if they'll do a finish where they each get their own title down. Also if they're going to have someone unify the titles they should give it to a younger star like Daniel Bryan or even Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose. Not two of the most established stars in wwe, John Cena and Randy Orton.

The Best and The Beard: Daniel Bryan and CM Punk vs They Wyatt Family's Rowen and Harper

 I had originally really wanted that 8 man Tag match from raw to be on this show, while that would have been good I'm kind of glad that they didn't do it because I don't think they would have had the match focus as much on Roman Reigns.

 This match was actually really good and was possibly the match of the night. Out of the Wyatt family it's clear now that in ring wise, Luke Harper is best, Eric Rowens second and Bray is third. I'm becoming a big fan of Harper, that crocodile role that he does is pretty cool and he reminds me a lot of Sheamus, big guys that are still good in the ring. I really like matches with big guys when the two are good in the ring. Luke Harper and Sheamus had a match on nxt a while ago that was entertaining but I can't wait until Sheamus gets back and they lock up on main roster.

 At first I was wondering why they weren't putting Bray Wyatt in the ring more often but I think I've figured out why. It seems like he isn't very good in it. He's one of the best mic workers in the company but in the squared circle not so much. Hopefully he get better as time goes on and eventually becomes great both mic work in wrestling. He is very good at having that unorthodox style, but not much after that. I still think the Wyatt family works very well because Harper and Rowen can do the majority of the in ring work and Bray Wyatt can do the majority of the mic work. Also we haven't seen a whole lot of Bray Wyatt matches so you never know he may be better than it seems, not all of his matches have been bad. Hopefully he eventually gets to the point where he's as good as the other members in the stable. 

 I'm really glad that they're giving the Wyatts a good storyline, most of the time that they've been on the main roster it seemed like wwe was just pushing them to the side, I think it's a great idea for stable and I hope they're handled properly from now on.

 I'm kind of glad that they didn't win because I don't think they're ready to yet. At TLC though I think they will be, it looks like that's the direction wwe is going with this and a huge built up win at TLC would do wonders for the Wyatt family. 

 Also it's been great to see the team of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan, and even though I think he should have been winning the wwe championship on this ppv, I'm glad to see that they're still using him in a good role. I'm looking forward to see where storyline goes, especially now that we the Shield has been added to the mix on this weeks raw.

WWE Title: Randy Orton vs The Big Show

 Like I said I think this should have been the match where Daniel Bryan finally overcame it all and finally won the wwe championship. They really dropped the ball with Bryan and that storyline. Now apparently Summerslam's buy rates didn't do that well and since Bryan was headlining the show, he's taking the blame. 

 I wish they would've at least waited until Survivor Series to make a decision about him. I'm not sure what the other ppvs buy rates were but I wouldn't count Battleground, Hell in a Cell, and maybe even Night of Champions as good indicators of Bryan's drawing ability, because they were so close together that most of the matches seemed pointless. Also one thing I want to point out is that when CM Punk was WWE champion in December 2011, raw was getting it's worst rating since 1997 and he got to keep the championship for over a year longer, just sayin.

 That being said though I did like the feud between Big Show and the Authority. It reminded me of Stone Cold vs the McMahons and it was very entertaining. I'm not sure why they have the authority and Orton being at odds though, it doesn't really make scene seeing as they're probably not going to split up for a while.

 The match was alright, I didn't think it was as bad as most are saying but it still wasn't all that good. I would've made it a no dq like their match at Extreme Rules. It ended when Big Show was distracted by the Authority coming out and he then got an RKO and then a punt.

 I'm glad that they played up the punt being such a big deal on raw when Big Show nearly passed out in the main event. A few years ago Orton would take people out commission for months with that move so it was nice to see them play that up on raw.

 Overall I thought this ppv was fairly good, it definitively better than the last three. We had a good opening survivor series match, a very good match with Cena and Del Rio, and then maybe the match of the night Punk and Bryan vs the Wyatt family. Overall not too bad of a ppv.

 You can tell me your thoughts on everything I discussed in this article and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, and Instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for information specifically related to this column such as when new articles come out etc. Thanks for reading.