Pro Wrestling Review is my blog column where i talk and review all wrestling related topics such WWE,TNA,and ROH
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Pro Wrestling Review: Summerslam 2013 Preview
What's up everybody; first off I'd like to apologize for not having a raw review this week. I've been very busy lately but I do have my summerslam preview right here so let's get into it.
Kickoff Show U.S. Title: Dean Ambrose vs RVD
I'd rather have the tag team titles or divas match on the pre show rather than this match. This is a big match in my opinion and I don't think it's a very good idea to give it away for free. They do have Shawn Michaels on the panel for it so maybe they're hoping a lot of people will watch it.
The build up though hasn't been good at all; Rob Van Dam won the battle royal on raw but he hasn't had any involvement with the shield at all. I wish they would have had at least somewhat of a feud between Ambrose and RVD but maybe since it's on the kickoff show they didn't care enough about it to do any feud.
I was originally think that it was going to be Mark and Usos vs The Shield but they've had that match so many times on free tv that I guess they figured they should do something else for the ppv. I'm not really sure who's gonna win the match though; they haven't really done anything with Dean Ambrose as champion so I could see him losing it. Rob Van Dam though definitely doesn't need the title at all but maybe if he had he could help bring up some of the prestige of championship. Even he does manage bring up the pretige of the title, that isn't going to fix it. The main problem with the midcard is that wwe doesn't care enough about it to make it good like it used to be. I'm going to talking more about that in a different article soon.
The match should be good though and I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Wwe TT Title: Seth Rollins/Romien Reigns vs Mark Henry/Big Show
I'm not sure if this match is even going to happen because I don't think it's on the match card. On raw though the shield said something about their next challengers to the tag team championships and it looks like the Big Show and Mark Henry are going to be the challengers. I really wish that Big Show would have returned a few weeks ago when he was scheduled to; I heard that it was because they didn't think he had fully recovered from an injury had heeled all the way or something like that. Even if he wasn't wrestling I wish that he would've been on tv to build up the feud. I heard that they did give away the match on smackdown doesn't surprise me with the way they've been giving away summerslam matches for free recently.
If this match does happen then I think Big Show and Mark Henry do have a chance of winning it. I have a feeling that the shield is going to lose at least one championship at summerslam; hopefully not both championships though because that might make them look bad.
I really wish that they Mark Henry would be in the main event scene instead of the tag team division. I think he could have done a ton more as a main event heel but as a face I don't know.
This match could have benefited from a lot more build up and it's too bad that both of Shield's match didn't have any of it.
Dolph Ziggler/Katelyn vs Big E Langston/AJ
I would rather have this be two separate matches instead of just one tied together. I would do AJ vs Natalia though because I think everybodys tired of seeing of AJ vs Katelyn. One of the reasons that this is a tag team match is probably because both Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston can't really afford to take a loss. Ziggler still new to his face character and so far it's not looking to promising and a loss wouldn't do him any good. Big E is just breaking out onto his own a loss for him would be bad too. This way though they have interference by one AJ and Katelyn and maybe even have one them take the fall.
I'm not sure which team is gonna win though. I'm gonna go with AJ and Big E just because I'm guessing that they're going want to keep the feud going since both Big E and Ziggler don't really have anything else to do.
Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes
This match has had a very good feud especially on Damien Sandow's part: Cody Rhodes not so much but it has been very entertaining. The match should be good and I'm not really sure who is gonna win; I guess I'm gonna go with Rhodes just because then they can put the briefcase on the line at night of champions and have Sandow win.
Kane vs Bray Wyatt (Ring of Fire Match)
This match I'm looking forward to seeing; I think it will be Bray Wyatt's first time in the ring since he debuted so I want to see how he does. Also the fact it's going to be a ring of fire match makes it sound cool and fits these two perfectly. The ring of fire is supposed to be for keeping the competitors inside the ring and to not let anybody else interfere. That kind of worries me though because I think this I think this match could benifit from going outside of the ring.
I'm expecting Bray Wyatt to win the match and then further his feud with Kane. The more that I think about this match the I get exited about it because it's not something you see everyday.
WHC: Alberto Del Rio vs Christian
This should be a pretty good match but the build up to has been terrible. I'd like to see Christian win but with a build up like this I don't know if it would mean a whole lot. I'm gonna go with Del Rio and then maybe Christian can get the title down the line.
CM Punk vs Brock Lesner
This match on the hand has had an amazing build; Probably the best feud of the year. We've had tons of great segments between CM Punk, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesner. Lesner had even had some very segments on the mic which is kind of surprising. When he told Paul Heyman to say something stupid that was great then that video taped promo that he cut on CM punk that was very good.
This feud definitely been one the main highlights of wrestling this summer and I'm really looking forward to the payoff. I don't think the match has any special stimulation though which is kind of surprising. Hopefully they don't keep it in the ring, I'd like to see them go all over the place.
Up until raw raw this week I wasn't really sure who was going to win. On raw we had CM Punk have his first successful run in which Brock Lesner. I liked the way that they did that by the way; it didn't make Brock look bad but it gave Punk some more credibility heading into the match.
I see Lesner winning it at summerslam; it makes the most logical sense Punk got the upperhand the on raw before the event for one and also Brock winning makes look strong and it sets a rematch between them. I'm guessing the rematch will be at either Survivor Series or Wrestlemania. The only reason that I say Survivor Series is because might want to do something else with CM Punk at Wrestlemania 30 such as has having him possibly face Stone Cold.
The match should be very good and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it.
WWE Title: John Cena vs Daniel Bryan
This match's build up has been ok for me. I really liked it when they were doing the segments with Vince McMahon and Daniel Bryan; making Bryan look like an underdog and building him up for the big win. These last two weeks though I haven't really liked as much; they've been having Bryan saying that he's a wrestler and John Cena is a superstar. One that argument has been used many times before especially been by CM Punk and it's starting to get old. Two it felt like they were just doing that so that Cena could shoot down Bryan's promos.
I would have much rather had them keep had them going with storyline of Bryan fighting way his up through Vince McMahon and John Cena to become a big star rather than that wrestler vs Superstar thing. I think what they were trying to do was to get an actual feud started between Bryan and Cena but in a case like this I don't really think you need a huge one. I think what they were doing before was fine and I just didn't like how the feud went at the end. I will say one thing though I really liked the way Bryan delivered his promos; I really like how intense he is on the mic.
As for who I think will win this match...Daniel Bryan. I think this is wwe's opportunity to make a new top star and with wwe's midcard being in a wreck right now that doesn't happen very often. I hope that they let John Cena take the loss because I think it will do a ton for Bryan. I'd really like to see Bryan make Cena tap out but I kind of doubt that that will happen. Even if Cena doesn't tap out a win for Bryan over John Cena could catapolt him to huge stardom.
Also why wouldn't wwe want to take advantage of Daniel Bryan by giving him the big win over Cena. John Cena winning won't do anything for Cena but Bryan winning can make them a new top star so why not give him the win.
The elifent in the room for this match though is Randy Orton and his MITB briefase. I would definitely be ok with him cashing after Bryan wins the title. As long as Bryan wins his match with Cena I'll be ok with it and I think that if Bryan is again chasing the title it might be a little bit more entertaining and he can always win it back down the line.
Randy Orton cashing in does seem very obvious...almost too obvious. One possibility that I've been thinking about recently is Bryan wins the title, Orton tries to cash in but Bryan beats him. Then there would be some tension between the two and Orton could get angry that he lost he could turn heel. That might make Orton look a little bit bad but it would do a lot for Daniel Bryan having him beat both Cena and Orton for the wwe championship in the same night. If they do it right I think that it would be a very entertaining feud and it would help people see that wwe is serious about Daniel Bryan.
Either way it should be very entertaining I just hope that Daniel Bryan wins. I'm going in full support of him tonight and I already am sporting my Yes Yes Yes shirt.
The match has the potential to be very good. We all know that CM Punk and John Cena have had some 5 star matches together and Since Bryan and Punk are somewhat similar in ring I'm hopeful that it could be a very good match.
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