Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, this is going to be the raw review edition for August 5, 2013.
The show starts out with Stephanie McMahon in the ring, she talks about the corporate makeover that Daniel Bryan recently had. They show a video package of the corporate makeover and then Bryan comes out with slicked back hair and a suit. He cuts a promo and then Vince McMahon comes out and says that there's one more thing Bryan must do to gain his support, shave his beard. They bring out a barber chair and then Vince says that Wade Barrett will be the barber. Bryan ends up attacking Barrett before he can cut off his beard and Bryan actually shaves off some of Barrett's beard. I posted on twitter that unfortunately the next time we see Wade Barrett his beard will have probably be grown back. Wade could really be one of their top heels and it's a shame that they're not using him.
Then Bryan says that he's not going to change for Vince and he rips off his shirt and tie to reveal his new t shirt instead of the champ is here The Beard is Here. Daniel Bryan always has the best t shirts.
I really enjoyed this segment, I was a little skeptical at first but like I said in my raw review last week I never count out Daniel Bryan; he's the best at making characters and storylines that would usually come off dumb must see tv. I've liked this feud so far and there's a lot of different ways the match could go at summerslam. It has me looking forward to the match.
There was a match a between Alberto Del Rio and Rob Van Dam. Ricardo Rodriguez who returned on the show ended up accidentally costing Del Rio the match. Afterwords Del Rio viciously attacked Ricardo and end up putting him behind the steel steps and then drop kicking them. They did a good job with the attack on Ricardo and that should hopefully get some heat on Del Rio. I'm not sure if splitting them up is a good idea though, Ricardo has been a big part of Del Rio's character ever since he debuted and I'm not sure what Ricardo will now. They need to find someone to put him with but I'm not sure who.
Also on smackdown Christian won a triple threat match between RVD and Randy Orton to become the number 1 contender to the world heavyweight championship at Summerslam. I've been saying for a very long time that I think Christian should be in the whc picture and I'm glad that he's in the match. The feud though hasn't been going too well, I hope they really step it up because they didn't do anything with it on raw.
They have two more Smackdowns and one more raw left before Summerslam so hopefully they can get an actual feud going between them.
After that there is a segment between Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Rhodes comes out and has Sandow's recovered briefcase, Sandow comes down to the ring to get it and there's mall brawl. Cody gives the briefcase back but keeps contract that's inside of it. This was an ok segment, and it looks like the match at Summerslam is going to be for the MITB briefcase. I hope it's in a ladder match.
Overall I've enjoyed this feud so far and Damien Sandow has been amazing as usual. Cody Rhodes on the other hand, not so much. Since he turned face we haven't heard hardly anything from him the mic. It's been holding the feud down. Cody who is supposed to be a person that has been betrayed but instead he looks like a jerk. He's going around steeling Damien Sandow's briefcase and he doesn't really look a good guy. Promos from him would help to explain the storyline storyline a lot.
Hopefully they figure out Cody's character soon or else I'm afraid that after this feud he'll slide down the card. I was waiting to make up mind about him as a face but now I have; I'm not a big fan of it. I think there was a whole lot more that they could have done with him as a heel. This last year he hasn't very good but in 2011 and early 2012 he great. He had a very unique and entertaining heel character. Rhodes could have been a main event heel with that character but with his current face one I can't say the same thing.
We also had a match between Mark Henry and Ryback; the big wrestlemania rematch! The match only went on for a little while and then Ryback intentionally got counted out. This was terrible and like I've been saying every week, I'm done with Ryback.
Next we had a tag team match between Tons of Funk and the Wyatt families Eric Rowen and Luke Harper. The match was pretty short but not bad while it lasted. The Wyatts got the win and then layed out Tons of Funk. Bray Wyatt got on the mic and said that Kane needs follow the buzzards. Then Kane got on the screen and asked how someone could follow the buzzards when they tear off buzzard's wings for fun. I found that humerus in a disturbing sort of way.
Kane cuts a promo and talks about a ring of fire, so it looks like their match at Summerslam might be an inferno match. I'm not really sure how they're going to do that in the pg format though. I we'll just have to wait and see.
Some other things that we had on the show was Layla vs Katelyn; AJ ends up costing Katelyn the match. So now it looks like AJ and Layla have an alliance. Then there was also Christian vs Heath Slater; this wasn't a bad match but I wish that Christian would have been involved in something to build up his feud with Alberto Del Rio rather than a low profile match like this.
After that we had CM Punk vs Curtis Axel; throughout the whole match and even before it started CM Punk kept trying to get his hands on Paul Heyman. The match was pretty good and it ended when Punk finally did get his hands on Heyman and the referee ended the match in a no contest.
Then Brock Lesner comes out! He and Punk have an awesome brawl and at one point Punk has the upper hand and he goes over to get Paul Heyman. Brock gets up though and F5s him. Then Brock repeatedly beats Punk with a steel chair after Heyman tells Brock to "hurt him".
This was a great segment; I really like how it illustrated the feud. CM Punk is a conflicted person that has been betrayed by his best friend; Heyman is a backstabbing heel that has all these people mainly Lesner to defend him and hurt CM Punk. I've thoroughly enjoyed this feud and unless something amazing comes along soon I'd say that this is hands down the feud of the year. They've done an amazing job illustrating the story and it's been very fun to watch.
Some other stuff that we had on the show was Fandango vs the returning Kofi Kingston. I'm glad to see Kofi back and hopefully wwe has some decent stuff for him to do.
Then there was a match between the Real Americans Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs The Usos. This was a very good match with the Real Americans picking up the win. Hopefully wwe has something big in mind for both of these teams to do because they both have lot's of talent. Also hopefully Antonio Cesaro's amazing match with Daniel Bryan a few weeks ago has helped some people in the back get behind him.
Then there was also Dolph Ziggler vs Big E Langston for the second time. This match I liked better than the one that they had last week and it ended when Katelyn tried to stop AJ from interfering but instead she ended up costing Dolph the match accidentally. I've heard rumors that there might be a mixed tag team match between Ziggler and Katelyn vs AJ and Big E. I'd rather just see the two separate matches at summerslam but since they've given away both matches multiple times on free tv that probably won't happen.
Also on the show John Cena cut a rebuttal promo to Daniel Bryan's earlier one, then Randy Orton came out and said that it doesn't matter who wins at Summerslam because he'll be champion soon after he cashes in. The Shield then came and surrounded the ring. Before they could attack though Daniel Bryan came out to join forces with Cena and Orton. Brad Maddox comes out and announces that the main event will be Orton, Cena, and Bryan vs the Shield.
Main Event: Randy Orton, John Cena, and Daniel Bryan vs The Shield
I wish that they would have announced this match last week because it would've given people a reason to watch this week's raw. The match was solid while it lasted and it ends when Bryan has Seth Rollins in the Yes lock and the other Shield members come in and break it up. It ends in a no contest and afterwords Randy Orton RKOs Bryan. Next he and Cena fight off the shield and then when Cena has his back turned to him, Orton RKOs Cena. Then Orton teases a cash in but doesn't end up doing it because the Shield comes back out and they take out Bryan and Cena in the ring. The show ends with The Shield standing tall over the two people that will be fighting for Wwe championship at Summerslam with Randy Orton standing by watching it happen.
It looks like this is the beginning of a heel turn for Randy Orton; I wouldn't say that he's turned full fledged heel just yet but he took some steps to getting there. I'm very interested to see what happens with Orton and I like having the possibility of him possibly cashing in at summerslam and also Vince McMahon maybe getting involved and a confrontation with Vince and Triple H. It all has me very exited for Summerslam.
Also I'm glad that they had the Shield in a match with three main event guys in the main event. I think wwe has taken notice that having them working with people like the Usos is dragging them down the card. I wish that they would've built up the Shield vs Mark Henry and Usos match more though because they didn't do that at all. I heard that they're giving away that match again on Wwe Main Event so I hope they're planning on having the match at Summerslam too because if not I don't know what the Shield is going to do at the ppv, not to mention Mark Henry as well.
Overall I really enjoyed this show, and it helped me want to buy Summerslam more. I do wish that they would stop giving away some of these other matches for free when they're probably going to be on the card. Over all I would give this show a good grade.
You can tell me your thoughts on everything I discussed in this article and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, and Instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for information specifically related to this column such as when new articles come out etc. Thanks for reading.
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