Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pro Wrestling Review #3 Fav 5 vol. 1

 Welcome to another edition of Pro Wrestling Review. Today I'm going to give my current "fav five" of current wrestlers. So lets get into it.

5. The Miz

 The Miz used to be truely awesome when he had the wwe championship last year. He was very entertaining and I was, glad he was on top of the wwe. But then they kind of dropped the ball. He kept losing and his carrer was going downhill. Then, when he got back from filming The Marine 3 he won the Intercontinental title. He was still in the midcard but moving up.

 Now it looks like wwe is going to turn him face. There have been rumers about this for a long time but i was hoping that wwe wouldn't really do it. It just dosn't seem like it would work for him and like Mick Foley said the jury is still out on him (as a face). The Miz could slide off this list very fast. I don't see that much potential with a face Miz. Definitely not a world champion. I just don't get wwe's problem here, The Miz isn't hard to write for. He is the perfect heel he, arogant, cocky, he even calls himself awesome. It's not like he has a hard character to write for. Wwe needs to get him back to where he was when he was world champion.

4. Daniel Bryon

 I used to not be a fan of Daniel Bryon in the wwe. In 2010 and most of 2011 he very boring. I didn't give two cents about him. He had no character, he wasn't intimidating and just all around boring. He still had lots of fans from his work ROH but in wwe he wasn't very good. But then he won the money in the bank and wwe did exactly what they're doing with Dolph Ziggler absolutely nothing. They just threw the briefcase on him and figured that he'd become a main event class superstar overnight...and that's pretty much what happened.

 WWE got lucky and Daniel Bryon became a completely different person. He was charismatic and obviously great in the ring. He was great. Now even though it may not be the best use of his talent, the Hell No tag team is very funny. Although I just hope wwe doesn't end up leaving Bryon in the tag team too long. He needs get back to the main event soon. Still though he's one of the best superstars wwe has today.

3. CM Punk

 Cm Punk is kind of and on with me. Sometimes he's great like in the summer of 2011. Then sometimes he's not as great like in the early part of the summer of 2012. For lots of this year he just kind of turned into a tattooed version John Cena. Now that Punk has turned heel he's been great. He is definitely the most entertaining part of raw and with Paul Heyman at his side he's great. When Punk is at his best I think the best in the world title isn't that far off.

2. Wade Barrett

 I've always really liked Wade Barrett ever since the nexus. But when he started the barett barage he late last year he got really good. His feud Randy Orton was great and they had some really amazing matches. It was very unfortunate that he got injured after the elimination chamber. They were giving him a huge push. I wonder if one of the reasons that smackdown was bad this year was maybe because they were gonna have Sheamus and Barrett feud. Which was still no excuse for that awful summer. But I do think they really want to push this guy and I hope that they do.

1. Bobby Roode

 As you might know I'm a huge fan Bobby Roode so it's no surprise that he's number one. I've been a fan of this guy for a while. Even years ago you could still tell he had tons of talent. He great in Beer Money. Then when he the bound for glory series Roode was great as a baby face. But his best work came when he turned heel. Oh my gosh it was amazing. His world title reign was great.

 I think this guy has everything "the IT Factor if you will" to become TNA's biggest star. They have had people like AJ Styles who is awesome in the ring but not as much on the mic. I think Roode has everything. He's great on the mic, very good in the ring, got the look, pretty much everything you look for in wrestler he has. I'm glad that TNA capitalized on him. Remember back in 2003 when Triple H was pretty much the face of wwe and he was a heel. That's what they need to do with Roode and so far it's going great.

 Thanks for reading be sure to follow me on twitter @Enc98 and give me your fav 5, tell me what you agreed with, what didn't agree with with mine. Also give me ideas for other articles. Be sure to stay tooned to Pro Wrestling Review for more articles.

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