Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pro Wrestling Review #2: Sheamus

 Sheamus used to be one of the top and most entertaining heels in the wwe, but what happened to him after that, how did he become the unentertaining face that he is now. In the second edition of Pro Wrestling Review will analyze Sheamus’s career in the wwe so far.

 First for a brief history lesson. Sheamus used one of the biggest heels in the wwe. He started on ECW in 2009, but only stayed the there for a few months before moving up to Monday Night Raw. Then about a month later he beat the face of the wwe John Cena to win his first WWE championship an TLC 2009. This is something few young superstars have done and most only hope to do, but
Sheamus did it in about five months of being in wwe.

 Now at first many people would say he was shoved down our throats so to speak, which i agree with. He then lost it at the Elimination Chamber but would then go into the feud which would arguably make his career with Triple H. He fought HHH at Wrestlemania 26 but ended up losing. This made a lot of people angry. Although then at Extreme Rules he had attacked Triple H before their match. Then eventually ended up ruthlessly beating Triple H, and after the match ended TripleH's day to day wrestling career by attacking him again with a pipe. This was the biggest win of the Celtic Warrior's career and he came out of it looking very strong. He then went on to win the WWE championship again and feuded with wrestlers such as Randy Orton and John Morrison.

 But then after he won the 2010 King of the Ring his character went stale it. It looked like he might slide down to the mid card. But wwe turned him face. Now i never really liked the face character very much but i understood why they did it. If not he would of probably ended up in the mid card. At that point his face character was good he very aggressive and all around could beat anyone up. You could tell that they were getting ready to give him a huge push.

 But then in December they just seemed to forget about him. He had some strange feud with Jinder Mahal and then won the royal rumble. You could tell that they had had a big plan for him but then they just got lazy. Even after the royal rumble they still didn't handle him right. His feud with Daniel Bryon was very boring and they only had like one face to face confrontation. I figured that if they had a good match at wrestlemania it would make up for the bad feud. But no they had to do the 18 second "burial" of Daniel Bryon which turned out to actually help him and comleteley screw up Sheamus.

 Since Wrestlemania Sheamus has been the most uninteresting person in the wwe. He went from being a face that could beat up anybody to just a nice baby face. Now if that's how he is real life then he seems like a nice guy but in wwe that character dosen't work for him. He dosen't seem intimidating at all anymore and his promos are terrible.

 WWE also isn't doing anything about it. This summer they just put him in feud with Alberto Del Rio where they had 4 ppv matches together. They shouldn't even have had two. Then all the matches ended the same Sheamus brogue kicked Del Rio. If they want these two to have even an ok feud they should have at least had the title change hands.

Thankfully they finally got title of him and put it on The Big Show

 They need to figure out a way to fix Sheamus. He's a good fighter when he's aggressive but they have to make him into a Randy Orton type face. He doesn't have to become a complete baby face. He can still be aggressive and have some heel characteristics. They need to put his character back to how it was last summer, a face but aggressive and could beat anyone up.

 It seems like wwe has just gotten lazy lately. You could tell they had something big planned for him but then they just kinda went along and didn't put any effort into him.

 This isn't just Sheamus. This summer wwe has been worse than it's been for years. They came off of huge wrestlemania dubbed the greatest wrestlemania of all time and then its like they decided to just take the rest of year off. Now usually one brand is better than the other but this Has been an entire company problem. WWE has got to start caring about all of the company and John Cena or the wwe championship.

 I still think think that Sheamus's carreer can be salvaged but wwe has to start actually paying attention and putting some effort into his character.

 Follow me on twitter @ ENC98 and feel free to tell me your thoughts what you agreed with, what you didn't, and ideas for other articles. Be sure to stay tooned to Pro Wrestling Review for more.

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