Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Recent TNA Releases

 Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, first off I'd like to say happy fourth of July to everyone. Today I'm going to be talking about the recent tna releases. The releases were Joey Ryan, Christian York, Crimson, Madison Reign, and Tyler Hendrix so far that I know of. So I'm going to be talking about each one and giving my thoughts about them.

Joey Ryan

 About this time last year Joey Ryan was the big thing in the IWC, after tna denied him a contract during gut check he started making shoot videos on his youtube channel and really got a lot of people behind him. He was kind of like the 2012 version of Zack Ryder. Then he eventually got a contract and came on as a heel teaming with Matt Morgan. That eventually dissolved and he didn't do much after. I think that tna really used him wrong, first off I would have brought him in as a face not heel since he had so much hype around him. Then I would have put him into a big midcard feud or a serious tag team. They should have done what ever they could to maintain all of his hype and they didn't do a very good job of that.

 I think he definitely has a lot of talent, he just needs to be used right. I'm guessing now he'll go back to making shoot youtube videos, the indy scene and maybe eventually he'll work his way into wwe.


 When Crimson first came into tna he was undefeated for over a year but then about a year ago when James Storm ended his undefeated streak he wasn't seen on tv for about a year until a few weeks ago he returned. I was really surprised that they released him right after they just had him return, maybe they wanted to give him one more quick run before he left. I always kind of liked Crimson and I wish tna would would have done a little more with him.

Christian York

 Christian York was probably the biggest thing to come out of gut check besides Joey Ryan, they really gave him a big push for a while too, having him in matches with world champions like Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode. I liked him and for a while there the X divition was just basically RVD, Kenny King, Zema Ion and him and they put on some great matches together. Now that the X division has some more people in it again I think he could have been a big part of it and eventually won the X division title at some point. I'm really not sure why tna released him especially since they had just given him a big push.

 Also this kind of makes the whole gut check thing pointless because they just released the two biggest people to come out of it Christian York and Joey Ryan. Out of all the people that were released Christian York was the one that I wish wouldn't have been the most.

Madison Reign

 Madison Reign apparently is going to have a baby soon so it's not very surprising that she was released because she wants to go be a mother. She was kind of a big part of the knockouts and a former champion in tna.

Taeler Hendrix

 I don't really know that much about Taeler Hendrix other than I know that she came out of gut check and to be honest I haven't really been keeping up tna as thoroughly these last few months just because it's gotten a little boring so I don't know much about her.

 Thanks for reading this quick article be sure to tell me what you think of these tna releases, you can leave a comment to this article or tell me and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, facebook: Enc Wwe, Youtube: ENC98TV, or instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very own twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for updates and things specifically for this column. I hope you all have a fun and safe Independence Day and I'll have more articles coming soon.

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