Hello everyone in this edition of Pro Wrestling Review I'm going to be talking about probably one of the best booked stables in a long time The Shield. I had been waiting for wwe to drop the ball with this group but its been six months and they're being booked the same or better than when they first started. By about this time the nexus was beginning to fall apart. I really like how they haven't lost any matches at least as a group and they really seem like a dangerous stable.
Wwe has been booking their midcard so badly lately that I'm glad these three are in a stable and not really involved in the it. I wish wwe could build the rest their talent up like this. All three of these superstars have tons of potential.
I'm glad that Roman Reigns is in this stable, with how wwe books people these days I think that he especially would just end up like Mason Ryan and other big guys that's career's didn't go anywhere. In this stable they can get him established before he goes out on his own.
I was always a big fan of Tyler Black in ROH, even though he's not the best on the mic he's put on some amazing matches. He is very entertaining to watch in the ring. Now that Rollins has finally been pulled up from FCW (he was down there for about two years which seemed too long) I think he can be a big name. Rollins has the look of a babyface and with the stuff he does in the ring I think the fans will have no problem getting behind him. If wwe builds him right he could be a top name in the company.
I'm really becoming a huge fan of Dean Ambrose, he's probably one of the best superstars on the mic in the world rigjt now. He's great as the main mouth piece for the shield but you should see some of his promos from FCW and the independence. His promos are amazing. Just look up some of his stuff on youtube back when he was Jon Moxley and even in Fcw. Most heels now days are just Arrogant jerks, and most of the time they're cowards. Dean Ambrose on the other is a really great actor you could say. He can make you think that he's crazy and he just delivers his lines so well. There's something different about him, the way he talks, his expressions. He is not at all a cookie cutter heel. Ambrose is part of a very rare breed in pro wrestling, he is good in the ring, pretty much unmatched on the mic, and not the same as all the other characters. He's very new and fresh. He's not the typical superstar and wwe's managed to get their hands on him so they need to use him right.
I think wwe is realizing that too because they're having him have singles matches with Kane and The Undertaker on smackdown. This first of all makes smackdown worth watching again and maybe it would get people to watch the rest of it too. (I wish they could they get Dolph Ziggler to make people watch instead of giving him no build up and making him lose all the time.) I think wwe should have advertised those matches more on like raw and main event though because if you didn't hear it online or on wwe.com you wouldn't even know those matches were taking place. I wouldn't mind seeing Dean Ambrose have the main event matches on smackdown for the next few weeks it's good for him and that can make smackdown watchable until they build up Dolph Ziggler.(Assuming they'd actually be smart enough to do that.) Having Ambrose have main event matches on smackdown also shows that wwe is to going to try to build him right (which is a rare thing these days.) I would go so far to say that if wwe plays their cards right Ambrose could be the next big name of the wwe, the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I really hope that wwe keeps booking the shield well. It looks like they'll be facing the tag team champions Kane and Daniel Bryon at Extreme Rules. Now I'm not sure how that's gonna work since the shield is three and the champions are two. I'm not sure if they would all be champions under the freebird rule or if only curtain members would be champions. I could see Rollins and Ambrose being a team or maybe since Dean has been having singles matches on smackdown maybe it would be Rollins and Reigns. Maybe Ambrose could win the U.S. or IC title. I'm hoping to see all of them in the match I wouldn't want to see one of them not doing anything on ppv. I would have The Undertaker on Kane and Bryon's team but considering his age and that wwe needs him for wrestlemania next year I don't know if an extreme rules match is the best idea for him. They could also put somebody else on the champions team it wouldn't be that hard to do find somebody that the shield has attacked in the last six months. I could also see Dean Ambrose face like Kofi Kingston for the U.S. title at the ppv. I just hope that all three members are involved in the ppv.
I hope that once the shield starts to win titles in the wwe that they will actually get into feuds with people over the titles. I don't want it to be like with the aces and eights where Devon is the tv champion but you wouldn't know it because he never gets into any type of feud over it. I hope that they make the shield's match against Kane and Daniel Bryon like an extreme rules or even a ladder match. The match they had at TLC with Ryback on Kane and Bryon's team was really good and I would love to see another one like it.
I'm officially getting behind this group. I really like the idea for the stable with black ops type uniforms and everything. More importantly though I really like the superstars in the Shield. I really hope that that wwe continues to use these superstars right after the shield eventually dissolves when ever that might. If wwe books them correctly they could be a big part of the company's future.
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