What's up everybody and welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review. First off I would like to apologize for not having an Extreme Rules review up yet. With finals last week and me getting sick with a very bad cold I just haven't got around to it. I actually haven't even seen the ppv yet. I will try to watch it and do a review in the next few days.
Now onto this article, I'm guessing that John Cena will stay wwe champion until at least summerslam probably longer if his ankle injury doesn't get worse. I also think that his match with Ryback will probably be their last together. So that asks the question who will be his next challenger? Well I have some suggestions.
Daniel Bryon
I would really like to see a feud between Cena and Bryon and I think that wwe could easily break up team hell no. They kind of got bland back in January and have just been floating along. Lately though I've been a lot more interested in them because of the fantastic matches that they're having with the shield. While they are a group that will go down in wwe history I think it's nearing time for the team to dissolve.
I've heard some people wanting wwe to make Bryon a top baby face after the team splits up. At first I was dead set against turning him face but now I actually think it could work. I kind of like the idea of a some what crazy to face, almost a tweener. They do desperately need more top baby faces and if wwe did it right it it would be a very cool character that you don't see everyday for a face.
While I'm open to the idea of Daniel as face I also see a lot of potential for him as a heel. I would love to see him turn back to the crazy heel character that he was last summer. Wwe also needs more top heels and I think that Bryon could fill that void as well.
I like the idea of a John Cena/Bryon feud. We all know about the great matches that Cena and CM Punk have had and since Bryon and Punk's styles are very similar I think that he could put on some good matches with Cena. Daniel Bryon would definitely be my first choice to face Cena for the title.
Chris Jericho
Jericho would probably have to turn heel again but I'd be perfectly fine with that. I much prefer that amazing heel character that he played from 2008 to 2010 and then again last year to this character he has now. While I like Y2J I think he's much more talented as a heel. It looks like Jericho's entering into a feud with CM Punk right now but I'm guessing that'll be over by summerslam. He is gone a lot for tours with his band Fozzy but I'm sure they could work around that. I would like to Jericho get at least one more title chase in his career and I think that now is the perfect opportunity. They have Jericho in the company at the moment so they should take advantage of that and use him.
Mark Henry
I also would like to see a Mark Henry John Cena feud. Henry is probably one of the best built heels that they have right now and I think that they should really take advantage of that as well. I would like to see him help out the smackdown main event scene but he could also be useful on raw.
Now on the Extreme Rules aftershow he said that he was going home and walked away. I'm hoping that he won't be gone until mania next year though. I'm a big fan of his character and I'd love to see him in another world title feud.
This would probably be a stimulation match similar to the ones that Cena's been having with Ryback. The idea of a feud between Henry and Cena sounds very exciting to me.
CM Punk
With CM Punk being revealed to be back to face Chris Jericho at Payback I think he's a another likely candidate to face Cena at summerslam. I could see his feud Jericho going into money in the bank but I think he'd be done by summerslam. A match between Punk and Cena would definitely be a big seller for the ppv since Punk and Cena always have great matches together. I'd love see them restart their feud.
Another possibility could be Christian, he came back a little over a year ago and got injured again I think sometime in July or august of last year. I was surprised that he didn't return for wrestlemania this year and I think that he should now be recovered from his injury. I really liked Christian's heel character that he played in 2011 and I would love to see it come back again. I'd also love to see him back in the main event, heck I'd love to just see him back in the wwe for that matter.
If this feud does end up happening I would say even give the wwe championship to him. I think they could have at least decent matches. That feud I would like to see if for nothing less just to see Christian again.
Dolph Ziggler
The next few are kind of out there possibilities that I doubt will really happen. Since wwe hasn't been doing much with the WHC there's been some talk about unifying the title with the wwe championship. Cena and Ziggler could start up then feud that they had going on late last year.
I really doubt this match will happen though, for one I don't want to see the titles unified and two I think it would just end up burying Ziggler and do a lot of damage to his character.
Jack Swagger
This is another kind of out their possibility. Swagger has been looking very good lately. That just goes to show you what good build up will do to for somebody. When Jack Swagger left last year he was basically jobber and when he returned I didn't give two cents about him but now with the build up that he's gotten I've actually kind of become a fan of him. I just wish that Dolph Ziggler would have gotten some of that build up since he is the world heavyweight champion. With Zeb Coulter with him I think he could have a good feud with Cena and hopefully a decent match. I think him losing in the end could hurt his character a little bit but I think with Zeb Coulter with him he would be ok.
Thanks for reading everyone be sure to tell me who you think will be John Cena's next opponents for the wwe championship on Twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, Youtube: ENC98TV, and Instagram: ENC98. Have a great summer and stay tuned for more Pro Wrestling Review.
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