Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: WWE Payback 2013 Review

Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review in this week's edition I will be giving all of my thoughts on Wwe Payback.

Pre Show: Sheamus vs Damian Sandow

I didn't see all of this match only the last part of it that they had on the wwe's YouTube page but from what I saw it seemed pretty good. I wish that Sandow would have gotten the win here, I think that that would have helped him a lot more than it did Sheamus. It looks like after seeing this weeks edition of raw that this feud is going to be continuing for the time being but since Money in the Bank is the next ppv I doubt they'll have another match together. I'm guessing this was Sandow's only chance to get a ppv win in this feud and I wish they would have given it to him, I also have no idea why it was on the pre show.

IC Title: Wade Barrett vs Curtis Axel vs The Miz

This was a really good opener to the show. Usually a match like this wouldn't have gone on very long but this one they gave plenty of time. It was a very fast paced match with lot's of false finishes. The ending came when The Miz had the figure four locked on to Barrett but Axel came and pinned Barrett while Miz was busy applying the hold. I thought this was a clever way to end the match and it looks like it's setting up for an Axel and Miz feud. It was also nice to see Axel win the IC title on fathers day.

I'm interested to see what they do with Wade Barrett now that he's not the Intercontinental champion anymore. I'd like to see him go into a feud with a main event star like Randy Orton or Sheamus kind of like they did with him in early 2012. Put him in a feud with a main eventer to get him established again.

U.S. Title: Dean Ambrose vs Kane

This was a nice match that ended in Ambrose DDTing Kane outside the ring. This led to Kane getting counted out. This was a fun match while it lasted.

Divas Championship: Katelyn vs AJ

The build up for this match basically started the week before on raw and the match went on a lot longer than I expected. In the end Katelyn hit her finisher but instead of pinning AJ she taunted her and if I remember right somehow that gave AJ enough time to get the upper hand and she hit her submission and got the win. I'm glad that AJ is Divas champ now, out of the like five divas they have on the roster she's probably my favorite. Seriously though she is very good in the ring and she had a couple pretty cool moments during the match, especially the submission hold that she used at the end, that was incredible.

WHC: Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio

This match I wasn't looking forward to very much because it had pretty much no build up at all, so much so that I actually forgot it in my payback predictions video. That wasn't totally wwe's fault though since Ziggler was injured. I fully expected Ziggler to win and then hopefully they could build him up. The match though went a comletely different way than I expected Ziggler got a little bit of offence at the begining but then he just got dominated. Del Rio kept targeting his head and delivering vicious kicks. At first I was very surprised that it went that way and I was especially surprised when he lost the championship at the end. I thought oh no I guess they've given up on him but by the end of the match I could see where they were going with it. Del Rio after the match cut a promo saying that the last few monthes he has been doing everything for the fans and then the camera showed everyone booing him. Then you have Ziggler who is on like Shawn Micheals levels with selling and wow did he sell the heck out of that match. They had the doctors trying to end it but Ziggler wouldn't let them. I think it came off very well and it told a heck of a story. It was very surprising too I was expecting this to be just an ordinary predictable match but it was very unexpected.

I'm also very very excited to see what happens with both of these guys. I'm glad that they're turning Del Rio heel again I think he is much better as a heel than as a face. I was hoping that they would be able to restart Ziggler's heel character when he came back but turning him face I think is a much better move. I also like that they're taking it slowly, Ziggler came out and attacked Del Rio which I thought was an awsome segment and got people really excited and really behind him but so far he accually hasn't cut any face promos. I'm very excited to see smackdown this week because of these two and me looking forward to see what happens with Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio which is a success in itself.

I do want to say for the record that if the wwe had built Dolph Ziggler up right from the moment that he won the money in the bank briefcase I think they could have made a great heel main eventer out of him. I think that he can be very good as a face though. He's one of the top five wrestlers in the ring and is an amazing seller.

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

This was the match that I really wanted to see out of this ppv. It wasn't Money in the Bank 2011 but it was still very cool having it in CM Punk's home town of Chicago. There were many rumors that CM Punk would have a new theme song but it turned out he didn't. I was definitely ok with that, I was interested to see what it would be just because it was new but his current song is very good and I think it fits him very well so there was no real reason to change it.

The match it's self was very good as expected whenever Punk and Jericho get together. Even though it was about twenty minutes long I think it should have gone on a little bit longer. I'm not sure if it's just me but I'd liked to have seen it go on about five or ten minutes longer.

I liked how CM Punk hit two GTSs at he end and overall it was the the match of the night.

WWE TT Titles: Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins vs Daniel Bryon/ Randy Orton

This was also a very good match. You had the Shield who always puts on good matches and Randy Orton and Daniel Bryon who do as well. The ending came when there was a mix up between Bryon and Orton and the Shield ended up winning.

WWE Championship: John Cena vs Ryback

This was an ok match but I really wish Punk vs Jericho would have main evented. The first stage was a lumber jack match and it did have one cool part when Ryback was outside the ring with the lumber jacks and Cena jumped off the top rope onto all of them. So Ryback eventually won the first round and Cena won the next one which was a tables match with a swift AA. The last stimulation was the ambulance match. Cena and Ryback started tearing things of the ambulance such as fenders and doors and hitting each other with them. Now I've heard some people say that this was a little corny tearing doors off a vehicle but I kind of enjoyed it.

I had actually predicted the ending when I was thinking about how the match would go a couple days before and as I suspected Cena hit the AA on Ryback through the ambulance roof. I'm not really sure about the ending of the match, the ending came pretty quick and fast without really leading up to it. Now on one hand you want to do the least damage to Ryback's character as you can but on the other hand the ending seemed to come a little bit out of nowhere.

I kind of expected this match to main event but like I said before I wish Punk and Jericho had. I think that would have helped make it a bigger moment in Chicago and Punk and Jericho had a better match.

Overall though this ppv was still very good, I would say it was better or at least as good as Extreme Rules probably better. It was also nice to see all of the wwe's titles defended on the show. Be sure to tell me what you thought of wwe Payback on Twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: EncWwe or on Instagram: ENC98. You can also subscribe to my youtube channel: ENC98TV if you would like. And lastly for specific news on just Pro Wrestling Review you can follow the columns very own twitter: @PWReview. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more Pro Wrestling Review.

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