Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pro Wrestling Review: Elimination Chamber 2014 Preview

Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review, it's been a little while since I've said that but I'm now back with my Elimination Chamber preview.

Pre Show: Cody Rhodes/Goldust vs The New Age Owtlaws

 Uhh...have these teams had anything resembling build up...not that I can think of. The last time I saw the Rhodes they were in the back playing with action figures. This match was basically just thrown on to give them something to do until they start they're Wrestlemania feud. What I would've done is a rematch between them and the New Age Owtlaws, an in it maybe break them up or at least further plant the seeds of a break up. That way the Usos could face the New Age Owtlaws at WM and win the titles on the grandest stage if them all.

 With the match we're going to end up having, wwe had the opportunity to build up Rybaxel by having them in a feud with the the Rhodes. The Brotherhood have been a very high profile team and being in a feud with them would rub off on Rybaxel. With all of their top teams splitting up wwe needs to move some new teams to the top of the division. It would've at the very least made the joke team of Rybaxel seem more important. Not to mention it would've made the Rhodes seem important as well because they wouldn't be sitting in the back playing with action figures.

 Wwe missed the opportunity by announcing the match not even a week before the event and giving it no build up at all. I could maybe see them giving Ryback and Axel the win  to make them look good and further the breakup of the Rhodes but because of  the absence of build no one's gonna care about this match so it wouldn't look very good for the Rhodes if they lost on the pre show. I do expect to see some tension between Goldust and Cody. 

 This match could be descent but it's also completely irrelevant so I doubt I'll end up me to seeing it.

Pick: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

The New Age Owtlaws vs The Usos

 Like I said before I'd have done the Owtlaws vs the Rhodes in a rematch, reason being this match needs to happen at Wrestlemania. I don't see why you'd have the Usos get their four years in the making championship win at Elimination Chamber and not Wrestlemania.

 The only way I'd be ok with it is if they did a tag team ladder match or a multi team match at wrestlemania where a lot of attention is placed on the division. With them splitting up so many teams recently they'd have a hard time putting that together. I guess you could do The Usos vs Los Matadores vs Luke Harper and Eric Rowen vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, assuming Bray's facing John Cena and Reigns is facing a big name like Undertaker or Brock). I don't know if they'd have time on Wrestlemania to do a match like that because you'd have to give it some time, as well as they might have other things planned for The Shield and the Wyatt family. 

 I'm guessing one of two things will happen tonight, A: The New Age Outlaws win using underhanded tactics which angers the Usos leading into a feud for WM or B: The Usos win the belts and at Wrestlemania we have the match I suggested earlier. If I had to guess I'd say the first one.

 The build up for this has been pretty mediocre, there were some good points like last week's raw but then there was the whole deal with Betty White and the Outlaws which was stupid and took away from the match the Usos were having.

 This should be a decent match and I'm picking the champions to retain.

Pick: The New Age Owtlaws

Titus O'Neil vs Darren Young

  I don't know why Wwe felt the need to split this team up, especially at a time when all the other top teams r splitting, The Shield, The Rhodes, and The Real Americans. After Wrestlemania the tag team division will need new center pieces in order for it to succeed, just the Usos won't cut it. This would've been the perfect time to feature the Prime Time Players as a serious team and eventually given them a run with the belts. They've been together for a long time but we never saw them reach their potential as a team.

 After mania wwe will be desperate for serious teams, what I would suggest is putting together stars that are being under utilized in the midcard such as Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, The Miz, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. Especially the last two, I've been wanting those two as a team since 2012 when wwe started to do it but then backed off. I'm a fan of both guys and they could easily get over with the crowd and become an excellent  team.

 Onto the match, we've had a decent feud with some good promo work by Titus O'Neil, I think he's the most talented of the two and could become a good upper midcarder. I see him as a face but he can work as a heel for the time being. The match should be decent and I'm guessing Titus will win to build him up, then maybe on raw Darren Young can get a win against him.

Pick: Titus O'Neil

IC Title: Big E Langston vs Jack Swagger

 This match basically had a one week of build up, the one week though was pretty good. On raw  Zeb Coulter verbally harassed Big E on the mic during his match, I found the segment to be very entertaining and it was a good way to build up a match in so little time. Also Zeb Coulter is amazing on the mic, everything he says is entertaining, he makes a great heel manager. 

 Both guys are good in the ring so it should be a pretty good match, I want to be a big fan of Big E but so far he hasn't really done anything. On one hand I want him to keep the title so he can do something with it but on the other guys like Wade Barrett and Curtis Axel have held on to the title and slid further and further down the card so it might be best to get it off him before too much damage is done. Then maybe put him into a tag team. 

 The real problem here is Wwe just needs to put him in a storyline, not a one week feud but a real storyline. What I would do is put him in a Wrestlemania feud with his former partner Mark Henry. Henry could do a lot to cement him as a serious star and it'd be great to see Mark as a heel again. Hopefully that's what they'll do.

Pick: Big E

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio 

 Wwe had the opportunity to showcase Alberto Del Rio as a serious main eventer by putting him in a feud with a huge star in Batista. Unfortunately the feud has been completely one sided and besides one promo Del Rio's looked like a complete punk. Every single confrontation they've had Batista's clearly won and the final build for the match was him pushing a neck brace confined Del Rio. Wow I sure wonder if Batista can possibly take him down now!

 They're just using him as a road block for Batista without putting any thought into how he'll look coming out of the feud and what he could gain from being in an angle with a big name star. I'm not very interested in this match and I'm sure Batista will end up winning.

Pick: Batista.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

 This is by far the most anticipated match for me so far this year. I've been a huge fan of these two teams and I can't wait to see them collide. The build up has been perfect with great promos from Bray Wyatt as usual and the interactions on Raw that teased a collision. It was cool to get a small taste of that at the end of Raw and it left you wanting more.

 Roman Reigns has risen to the ranks of number two on my fave five right behind Daniel Bryan, every week he gets better and he looked like a huge star leading the Shield against the Wyatts on Raw.

 I really really really hope they put this match in the elimination chamber, you could start out with Luke Harper and Seth Rollins who are best in ringwise of the groups. Elimination Chamber is the perfect atmosphere for the showdown and since there's not gonna be a world title match, not to mention the shows called Elimination Chamber it would be perfect

 I'm thinking Dean Ambrose might turn on Reigns and let the Wyatts win the match. Whether the break up happens or not the Wyatts are definitely walking out the victors since they have the most to gain from the win.

Pick: The Wyatt Family

Wwe Title Elimination Chamber Match: Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs John Cena vs Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro vs Christian

 This should be a very good match, I'm expecting Randy Orton to win but because of the recent outcry from the fans about the main event of him and Batista and not to mention that his character is terrible right now wwe might decide to go a different direction. I'm still gonna pick him to win because I can't really envision anyone else walking out with the belt.

 It should be very entertaining and I'm expecting Daniel Bryan and Cesaro to have extremely dominant showings.

Pick: Randy Orton

 This is a pretty strong card especially with the two main events I'm definitely looking forward to the show.

Be sure to tell me your thoughts on the ppv in the comments section or on twitter: @ENC_98 or @PWReview. Thanks for reading.