Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pro Wrestling Review: Hell in a Cell 2013 Review

What's up everybody and welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review. Today I'm going to be giving my 2013 Hell in a Cell review.

Wwe TT Titles: Cody Rodes/ Golddust vs The Shield vs The Usos

 This was a really really good match and it started off the show hot. We had some cool highlights in here including when Cody Rhodes suplexed Seth Rollins from the top rope onto all the other competitors who were outside the ring. That was an awesome spot and in the end Rhodes wins with a cross rhodes to Rollins. 

 This is definitely my favorite storyline going on in wwe right now and these matches that the Rhodes and the Shield are have had lately have been great and I'm a big fan of both teams and then throw in the Usos who are a pretty good team and it's even better. I also liked that they did the triple threat match instead of a rematch between the Rhodes and the Shield; like I just said those two teams have had some great matches but putting the Usos in there reinvented the match and it made it even more entertaining.

 This was in my opinion the match of night and I can't wait to see where these teams go next. Also it's great to see the tag team division back up and running like it should be.

HIAC Match: CM Punk vs Ryback 

 These last few matches have had some pretty shaky build uo and at this point this feud has been milked for everything it's worth. Once Brock was out of the picture it went down hill and I would've probably just ended the storyline after night of champions. This match was ok but nothing all that special and if you compare it to all the other Hell in a Cell matches it doesn't match up very at well. 

 CM Punk beats Ryback and then climbs up the cell with a kindo stick in hand to get Paul Heyman who had been hiding up there during the match. Punk hits Heyman with the kindo stick and GTS's him onto the top of the cell. This match did two things one it ended the feud and two it made Ryback look kind of like a joke since now Punks beaten him three times in a row since he also won their match on raw. Also if you think back even further Punk has actually beaten Ryback in all the other matches they've had as well. I not sure what they're going to do with Ryback now, probably put him in the midcard. At least he still has Paul Heyman as his manager, I just hope they don't tease the two of them being in love ever again.

 I was expecting Brock Lesner to return here, save Heyman and thus restart his feud with CM Punk for Servivor Series. I'm actually kind of glad he didn't though just because the recent stuff they've been doing with this storyline has really made it get pretty old and most people are just wanting it to be over. If they want to do another match between the two maybe they can do it at Wrestlemania 30. Like I said this was alright but nothing to rush out and see. 

Los Matadores vs The Real Americans

 This was a pretty entertaining match, los matadores had some cool spots in it but I'm still not 100 percent sold on them. Antonio Cesaro did the Cesaro spin on one of them and while the move is cool it's almost getting to then point where it's kind of corny. I think the uppercuts work better for him; they seem more powerful. The spin should be a move that he only pulls out in certain matches nor every one. Overall this was an entertaining match and Los Matadores picked up the win. Also becoming a big fan of the Real Americans and I with Zeb Coulter in their corner they could go far in the tag team division. I see Antonio Cesario becoming a world champion at some point. U

WHC: John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio

 I actually really liked this match, we had the obvious dynamic of Del Rio trying to further injure the arm of John Cena especially since his finisher is the cross arm breaker. In the end though Cena was able to hit the attitude adjustment on Del Rio for the win. I thought this was a good redemption story and I'm glad that they put the whc on Cena.

  If it was up you me I would've kept him out longer just because you never know when he's going to get more time off but if they had to bring him back, this was the perfect way to do it. He's not overshadowing the wwe title picture and he's helping the whc and smackdown. He can also help some other superstars such as Damien Sandow. This is just what smackdown and the WHC needed, a top star. In the past over on the blue show we've had big top names such Edge, the Undertaker, Chris Jericho Randy Orton, JBL, Christian and even John Cena himself at one point. These past few years though the stars haven't really matched up to their predecessors. Guys like Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, and The Big Show just haven't seemed as important. Now that's completely wwe's fault because they don't care enough about smackdown to build people up but I do think this is a step in the right direction for the show and maybe since John Cena is the champion they'll actually put a little effort into his feuds.

 Also I really liked that fiery promo that John Cena cut on raw; I loved that intensity that he had in it. I was very surprised though that they had Sandow cash in and lose on raw, it did give Cena's first match on the show a lot more importance but I just hope that it wasn't at the expense of Damien Sandow. I'm hoping though that they make him a big part of the world heavyweight title feud and then they can build him up a little more and have him get the title at maybe TLC. That's what I'm hoping they'll do but we'll have to see. If they don't though I'm going to have a lot more to say about it because it would make money in the bank completely worthless and it would ruin a possible future top star. 

 Over all the match with Del Rio ran pretty smoothly, and John Cena's injury is making his character a lot better than it's been in years.

Los Matadores vs The Real Americans

HIAC Match WWE Title: Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan (Shawn Micheals special guest referee)

 Ever since Battleground I haven't been on board with this storyline; the finish to that show really through me off. After that it's been off and on but I just haven't been as in tuned with it as I was at the beginning. 

 This match was a fairly good match just like the other two that these two have had. I don't think that any of them have been as good as that no DQ match that they had on raw back in June. There was a cool thing spot where Daniel Bryan started throwing like 13 chairs into the ring. Then they suplexted each other onto them.
 The ending came when Triple H comes out and yelled at Shawn Micheals for what he thought was a slow count. Then Daniel Bryan inadvertently threw Randy Orton into Shawn. So Triple H got in the ring to check on Shawn and in doing so he threw  Daniel Bryan out of the way. So then Bryan hit Hunter with the running knee to the face. HBK superkicks Bryan and Randy pins him for the win.

 I honestly would have rather have just seen Bryan beat Orton and win the world title. They keep having to do these screwjob finishes because they have to drag this storyline out because they have too many ppvs. Now it looks like Big Show is going to be challenging Orton at survivor series for the wwe title. 

 Now Bryan is going to be doing one of three things at survivor series, either fighting Shawn Micheals (which I doubt will happen since if they ever have that match it should be at wrestlemania), he could fight the the Wyatts with CM Punk and some people or he could be put into the match with Show and Orton. There's a good possibility of him being in the wyatt family match since they attacked him on raw but I really hope that he's in the wwe title match and that he wins it. I really hope that they're gonna put Bryan in the match because if they're seriously planning on selling survivor series on Big Show vs Randy Orton then we have some serious problems. 

 Ever since Battleground this storyline has just been dragged out too long and it hasn't had enough change to make work. It's really unfortunate because this was supposed to be Daniel Bryan's big storyline that makes him into a main eventer but instead it's going to be remembered as a bad storyline and the focus has been taken off of Daniel Bryan and put on the Big Show. The angle started off so good with so much potential but now it's fallen off the tracks.

 The thing that did this in was the terrible ppv schedule, they had too many in such a short period of time, but since there was so little time to give them build up they couldn't do anything major at them because they needed to wait for a big ppv like survivor series. So now because this would be the fourth time in a row that they'd do Bryan and Orton and they can't do that, Bryan might not get his wwe title reign that all of this should have been leading up to.

 I really hope wwe learned there lesson about having too many ppvs because it has pretty much killed a storyline that could've made them a new #1 guy. It's just very disheartening to see what this storyline could have been and what it actually was.

 Also the fact that they had to use Shawn Micheals in a non wrestlemania match and even turn him heel to add interest to it seemed pretty desperate. I like many people am wondering if this heel turn is setting up a possible match at wrestlemania 30. I'll discuss that more in a different article but if Shawn is willing to do it, I think that would be awesome. It would help Daniel Bryan a lot and it would be great to see in my opinion the greatest of all time back in the ring again one more time. I'm just glad that they're not having it at survivor series like I was afraid of. 

 Overall this was an ok show, better than Battleground but over all not all that great. Similar to Battleground though the Wwe tag team title match great and if you haven't seen it I would recommend that you check it out.

 You can tell me your thoughts on everything I discussed in this article and/or check me out on twitter: @ENC98, Facebook: Enc Wwe, and Instagram: ENC98. Also on Pro Wrestling Review's very twitter: @PWReview, you can follow that account for information specifically related to this column such as when new articles come out etc. Thanks for reading.