Welcome back to Pro Wrestling Review I know that I haven't talked about what's going on on the road to wrestlemania for a couple of weeks on here or my youtube channel. So today I'm going to give you all of my thoughts about everything that has been happening on the road to wrestlemania.
Triple H and Brock Lesnar
I knew that it would only be a matter of time before we saw this feud start up again and when it did a couple weeks ago on raw it was awesome. We had an old fashion brawl with Triple H and Brock Lesnar which is something you don't see every day in the wwe these days. I loved it I thought this was a great move on wwe's part. It it got me all pumped up for the feud and was very exciting to watch.
The feud that these two had at last year summerslam was also very good. I liked them using Vince McMahon in it this year and also Brock's attack on the New Age Outlaws was a great idea as well. I could even maybe see Stephanie McMahon being involved in it too.
One thing I didn't like about the feud last year was the match. It just didn't come off right to me Brock Lesner was really using the whole UFC style and I just didn't like it. This past week on raw though Paul Heyman announced that it would be a no holds barred match. Now at first I thought that this was a little underwhelming because I think that's what the stimulation for their summerslam match or at least something like that. That wasn't it though after that Paul Heyman announced that Triple H's career would be on the line.
I thought that this whole segment came off very well. Paul Heyman took a shot at Triple H's wife saying that the loser should get her. That was great and then Triple H just grabbed Heyman, took out the security guards, and then signed the contract on top of Heyman. I thought this was a great segment then Lesnar came out but just glared at Triple H because HHH had his sledgehammer out.
I would have rather we had a falls count anywhere match or something like that but a no holds barred match could be very good too. I'd like to see them fight all over the arena and just brawl. This really heated things up and was a great segment. I can't wait to see what happens next with this feud. I'm hoping that their match will be a step up from summerslam and I know that the rest of the feud will be good.
Ryback vs Mark Henry
This is kind of a dream contest for many people it has been rumored for a while and now it looks like it will happen. So far Henry and Ryback have just been mostly having stare downs but I think soon it will become more of a feud. On last night's raw Vicki Guerrero took Ryback out of his match with Randy Orton and Sheamus against The Shield and put him in a match with Henry at Wrestlemania.
This match I think should be something like a last man standing match. If they try to do technical wrestling match it won't work. I would just let them go all through the arena throwing each in to and off of different things. This is definitely going to be a spectacle.
The Shield
Lately I've been really liking the shield it looked like for a little while that they were just going to go around in circles like the aces and eights did for a while but recently I've been liking them. They have really been doing a lot on smackdown which I think is a good idea since smackdown's been struggling. I'm liking their feud with Randy Orton and Sheamus but I just hope that they aren't being built up just to be beaten at wrestlemania like the nexus a couple years ago. I'm glad that they won their last two matches especially beating John Cena. Now if they get a win at wrestlemania that would really solidify them. Another thing I like about the shield is that all three of these wrestlers have tons of potential. With the nexus the only one to really come out of the group was Wade Barrett (and Daniel Bryon if you count him even though he was only in it for one night) everyone else just kind of faded to the back. Where as with the shield I could see all of them being big players in the future of wwe.
Wwe just needs to really have a story line for them. They can't do what Tna did with the aces and eights and just have them attack different people everyday. They need to make sure they have a story line direction for them. I would keep them mostly on smackdown and maybe even get them involved in the world title picture like they did with the nexus. I think it's a great idea for a group in wwe and I'm really interested to see what happens with them next.
The Rock and John Cena
Now you might know that I'm not really on board with this match. I thought it was pretty much written in rock (see what I did there lol) that we were going to have a second match with these two which I'm ok with but the way that they've been setting the match up I really don't like.
I don't see why they had to use the royal rumble and wwe championship in this feud. I mean the royal rumble match could have really helped someone's career like Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes but instead they give it to John Cena? How does that help anything? It won't benefit Cena's career at all that's for sure and they already had him win the money in the bank last year which was also meaningless.
I like The Rock but I also don't think that he should be the wwe champion. I mean he's had a total four matches in the last eight years. Also the feud doesn't need it at all and it's kind of an insult to the superstars who have been working very hard this last year but it doesn't matter because The Rock will get wwe championship and be in the main event of wrestlemania. Then he also hasn't been on raw for the last two weeks.
It's pretty much wwe's own fault because they can't keep the title on CM Punk because he's facing the Undertaker and will probably lose and they can't have The Undertaker be wwe champ since he's only on raw for wrestlemania these day's.Wwe also hasn't built hardly anyone up in the past year so they have no one else to put the title on.
I'm hoping that they really step it up with this feud. The one promo that these two had together a couple of weeks ago on raw I really liked but they need to do more. Last year it worked ok with them just making fun of each other and having the main story line just being that these two iconic figures in wwe were going to have a showdown. This year though we need more of a story line I've talked about before that I was hoping that they would do something like with Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker in 2010 where Cena has to have a rematch to set his career straight. They could of had him try to get a rematch and go through different things to get it like maybe even making The Rock lose his match for the wwe championship at the royal rumble.
Even though they didn't do that John Cena did talk about how he has been losing most of his matches after last years wrestlemania. They just really need to stress the fact that he must win this match. I liked the video package that showed (two weeks in a row) but I hope that The Rock and Cena are back on raw again next week.
Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho is someone that has not been featured very much so far on the road to wrestlemania. I think that that is very unwise of wwe. Chris Jericho is a superstar that is not in the wwe all the time anymore and I think that in his last run and this one so far they have not done a good job of using him. Last time he time he had a great feud with Punk but then he just kind of floated around. It looked like he was going to start a feud with Randy Orton but that got messed up because of the incident with the flag (more of a misunderstanding) down in Mexico and then Orton's suspension so that feud never happened. Then it looked like he was going to do something in the world title picture on smackdown but nothing came of that either. Lastly he had short feud with Ziggler before he left.
Now that he's come back to wwe again(again with a Y2J accent lol) he's just kind of been floating around in space. I was hoping that he would continue his feud with Dolph Ziggler I think that would be really good for Ziggler since wwe has not been building him up very good. Now it looks like that won't be happening seeing as on this weeks raw it was announced that he will be teaming with Big E Langston to take on Team Hell No at wrestlemania. I don't think this is a very good use of any of these superstars. I like team hell no but it's starting to get a bit repetitive I think it's time for them to dissolve the tag team. Plus wwe could really use Daniel Bryon in the main event since they're definitely lacking in that area. I like the comedic tweener character that he's playing right but I'd love to see the return of the heel character that he was in the summer. I think wwe could really use him back in the main event.
It's also not a very good use of Dolph Ziggler they need to be working overtime to build him up since they haven't been doing a very good job of it so far. I want to see him in an actual feud is that too much to ask of someone who's supposed to be the next world champion? I think a feud with Jericho would have been just what he needed.
It looks like they might be starting a feud with Fandango and Jericho. Fandango is someone that if wwe plays it right I think he could have some potential. I've heard him compared to Damian Sandow because they both have the type of gimmick that you don't see everyday in wwe anymore. They both think that they're basically on a higher level of existence than everyone else and they both talk a little differently more profoundly for lack of a better word. Damian Sandow's character is probably my favorite gimmick right now in wwe so if a character like that can work him why can't it work for Fandango and let's face it it wasn't like he was going anywhere as Johnny Curtis.
I hope that he makes his debut in the ring soon because him backing out of matches is starting to annoy me but then again if he can annoy me then I guess that's a good thing since he is heel.
I would at least be glad that he's getting a push and not just fading to the background if he is indeed going to be feuding with Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania but I think a feud Jericho is way too soon. I wish that they would have had him make his debut back when they first started showing video promos for him. I think it was in like November or December They showed some promos then stopped for a few months and then started showing them again. Right now though I mean the guy hasn't even had his first match as Fandango and now their gonna put him in a feud with Chris Jericho. If it was summerslam I could see it mabey but this is too soon.
This is pretty much the same argument I had against Alberto Del Rio getting the world heavyweight title so soon after he turned face. One he's had no build up and two they don't even know if his character is gonna work. They need to give it some time and build him up before they throw him into high profile feud. If this Fandango character doesn't end up working then they've wasted a match with Chris Jericho at wrestlemania that a lot of people like Dolph Ziggler could have had. I think he would be ready by summerslam but right now I think it is just way too early for a feud like this.
I've said this before but if I were wwe after wrestlemania I would Jericho on smackdown and have him win the world heavyweight title one more time. Than Jericho can bring some prestige that it desperately needs back to the championship and then they have some time to work on building some people up to his place once he leaves again. Smackdown has definitely been having some problems and they really need someone to get the show back to what it used be. They also really need to build up people over there so that don't have to put the title on someone who has just turned face or someone who was basically a jobber than they can build those people up. Jericho could be useful over there and I think that it would be the logical thing to do but than again when was the last that wwe did something logical over on smackdown?
I just hope that they really take advantage Jericho while they have him. He's in my opinion one of the best of all time and they need to not take his time on the company for granted.
Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio
Speaking of smackdown even though Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio had no build up before being put into the world title scene I have been enjoying the feud. I was wondering if Swagger was going to be taken out of the match because of his arrest a few weeks ago but it looks like they're keeping him in it. Zeb Coulter has really made this feud good. It was a great move on wwe's part to pair him Swagger. The feud really heated up on raw when Swagger attacked Del Rio and then Del Rio tried to put his hands on Zeb Coulter but Swagger fought him off and started beating up Ricardo Rodriguez He put the ankle lock on Rodrigez for like three seconds just like he's put on many other superstars in the past and they were all fine but when he put it on Ricardo it like destroyed Ricardo's leg. I guess Ricardo hasn't been drinking enough milk lately because his bones just snap!
Seriously though this really helped the feud and out all of the feuds for wrestlemania this one probably has the most substance and meaning behind it. Jack Swagger basically thinks that anyone who isn't an american shouldn't get anything in the country no matter if they're in the country legally or not. Then Alberto Del Rio is of Mexican heritage so there is an obvious clash. I never thought that I would say this but I'm actually really liking this feud.
All in all Wrestlemania 29 is shaping up to be a pretty good show. We're going to have lot's of big matches on the card. I don't know if it will be as good as last year but it should be descent.
Thanks for reading you can tell me all of your thoughts and opinions on everything I talked about in this article and anything else on twitter: @ENC98 or on facebook: Enc Wwe. You can check out my youtube channel: ENC98TV. Also my other column here on blogger: TV Movie Review I haven't written anything on it yet but I will eventually and as always remember to stay tuned for more Pro Wrestling Review.